The Awakening by Liliana, | World Anvil

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Mon 17th Jan 2022 05:41

The Awakening

by Liliana, Spirit's Majesty

The nightmares are supposed to stop when I wake up.
What happens when being awake is more terrifying than being asleep? This world is upside-down, cruel, and backwards and every fiber of my being tells me to lash out.
I cannot get the vision of my own Uncle Edward and Aunt Katharine on that stage. They're there, they're chained, like monsters, and executed to the cheers of an audience. I know it's been bad before - What has society become? Have I just been asleep as these atrocities happened around me, or was it that I was just too afraid to stand up for what's right?
"Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing."
I have power, and if I do nothing to stop them, my passivity makes me just as guilty as the monsters who commit these atrocities.
That ends. That ends NOW!
The spirits want vengeance, and I will not deny them.