Prelude - To Russia with Vengeance by Liliana, | World Anvil

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Sat 30th Apr 2022 08:04

Prelude - To Russia with Vengeance

by Liliana, Spirit's Majesty

Liliana finds a quiet place to use a computer terminal - she is kind of unsure how to work it, but presses a couple buttons in frustration before pounding on the metal of the console frame "Damnit - how the bloody hell does this thing work? Socrates... I... I need help" Liliana sobs quietly
Socrate’s voice is audible "Liliana, how may I help you?"
"I.. I need to find out what happened with Prince Edward of Kent and his wife. I need to know if they were framed, or if they were supporting the resistance. They're execution has to mean something - the news said something about leaked documents"
"I should be able to assist you with this research request. Internet searches are not safe outside this location without the use of a DarkR FOB. But here, we can make such inquiries without being traced." Socrates pauses… "Did you know Prince Edward and his wife Katharine?"
Liliana looks around to ensure nobody else is present before responding "Yes. They're family. Close family. oh god... " Liliana is audibly sobbing now.
The computer terminal is quickly moving through various networks using open-ended search queries. Images and text are flashing across the screen. While he is processing, Socrates speaks quietly, "I do not understand this loss in the way you must be experiencing it.".
"Of course you're not going to feel the loss - you're a bloody machine." Liliana retorts.
Socrates continues making progress through the lines of text at near instantaneous speed…but there is so much data. But he continues to speak slowly to Liliana, attempting consolation. "But, I think I am still grieving the loss of the Champions. Their absence cannot truly be replaced."
Just then, Liliana's phone dings as she receives a text message on her mobile phone with a secure link.
"I have provided a summary of results securely to your cell phone. There is a great deal of content in the report which you may want to read alone, with more privacy. However, I believe I can sufficiently answer the question you have asked. Would you like my conclusion at this time?"
Liliana places her palms flat on the console, her head down. "Sorry, maybe you are more - I really can't judge you, I don't even know you. Thank you. Yes, if you have a conclusion, I would like to hear it" She steadies herself against the console, her breath drawn sharply through her teeth.
"Your family formed an early support network of resistance cells, secretly transitioning royal guards into undercover resistance operatives. If their involvement in this operation has now become public knowledge, it is likely their operatives are also at risk."
Liliana gasps, her mouth unable to form words.
"I am available to assist you with any other queries." Socrates adds
After a pause while the results sinks in, Liliana blurts out "That means a lot of guards are likely in danger. We probably need to find out who they are and warn them or protect them. Can you determine if Edward's brother is involved or implicated? Prince Michael of Kent."
Socrates answers that "His is the other name most often associated with the myriad of shell companies which seem to be funding the resistance. As far as the guards in danger, I will search for a listing of their operatives. If I am unable to locate such a list, then it may also mean Destroyer has not yet located it."
"Dear God. Alright Socrates, here we are at a crossroads... Anything in the leak about Michael's Children? Victoria or Frederick?"
Socrates is continuing to search, but without success. "There are significant records on these individuals, but nothing associating them directly with the resistance. I have located some tangential possibilities, but nothing that would convince a court of…" Socrates stops before completing the sentence.
Liliana lets out a deep breathe and finally breathes again. "At this point, I have another ask of you. I need to be here to help out, and I want to find the source of the leak. I need a way to get here, and a way to communicate with the New Champions, if they'll have me. That bastard did this to my family - there's no way I can stand by doing nothing"
"Of course, Liliana. Just a moment, please." Socrates is silent for a few minutes until his voice returns with a request, "Would you please join me in the Comm’s Lab? I have something to give you." Socrates asks with a tone of finality.
Liliana makes her way to the Comm's Lab and waits for Socrates.
"Thank you, Liliana." He pauses. "Do you intend to protect life? The New Champions consider the willful killing of our enemies as a line - not to be crossed, if at all possible."
Liliana nods "It is the choices we make and our actions that define who we are. What is right is not always easy and killing is not the way I choose."
A small metal drawer opens in the wall, nearly invisible prior to this moment. "Please take one of these tokens, it will protect your mobile phone communications and connect you directly into the New Champions comm-link. This token is unique and should not be shared or mentioned outside this group. While in your possession, it also protects your internet traffic." The drawer contains two small, round devices side-by-side. They are the size of a small flash drive, covered in a protective material. They both have a small red LED on the bottom.
Liliana reaches into the drawer to retrieve the device and examines them "I just need to have one of these with me, or do I need to do something else with it?" she asks.
"Yes, just have it near you. I will activate it now." The LED on the device turns green.
Liliana secures the fob inside her outfit for now. "Thank you Socrates. I don't know if it will mean anything to you, but sorry for calling you just a machine - if you can feel the absence of the Champions, than it's possible you are more than the sum of your parts - like Data from Star Trek."
"I accept your apology, Liliana." Socrates pauses... "I’m not familiar with this reference, was this one you refer to as ‘Data’ a relative of C-3PO?"
Liliana blinks and puts her head into her hand and is silent for a moment "Please tell me you've developed a sense of humour"
"This is my best attempt, Liliana."
"Oh thank goodness - I am not ready for a Trek/Wars fight with a ... with you." she shakes her head with a small chuckle.
"One last thing I am still struggling with - Since the execution, my .. Prince Michael and Princess Michael have been unreachable. I'm concerned for their well-being, especially given your findings. If you've got cycles to spare, could you look for any indication of where they are or if they're safe?"
"Yes, of course, Liliana." Socrates is silent for a few moments. "According to private travel records, Prince Michael and his wife appear to have flown to St. Petersburg and were quickly taken by official transport to a small town in the countryside. Are you familiar with this location? Or should I continue gathering information?"
Liliana thinks for a bit "No, not at all - I don't know of any homes or businesses he would have in the countryside. That's probably a good thing."
"Also, you may utilize the XPlore Plane to travel. Either Runeforce or Fazer will need to join you on the plane, along with any of the New Champions from whom you may request assistance. Welcome to the team."
Liliana lets out a breath and a small laugh comes with it, and some small tears "Thank you. Thank you for giving me hope."