A Bit Worse For Wear? by Liliana, | World Anvil

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Mon 17th Jan 2022 05:40

A Bit Worse For Wear?

by Liliana, Spirit's Majesty

I really did not like what had happend and I really did not like lying to Sandcrab. It wasn't the "Danger Room" that was giving me bad vibes, it was the thoughts in my own head.
Sandcrab seems to be unphased by our little test, but I'm not so lucky. I've never pushed my Agonizing Remorse like I did during that session. Hell, I've never hit someone with it more than once or twice and Sandcrab simply stood there and took the assault. He asked for my help, and I gave it to him; five times in a row until he was on the floor and I had pushed myself so hard I gave myself a nosebleed. I even have a vague memory of screaming "why won't you fall?" at him during the test - that doesn't sound like someone who's completely in control does it? Between the nightmares, my recent imprisonment, the fight with Gigaton, and being in the Rebel base, maybe that's just the rage of the Spirits showing through. Their rage has always been there, bubbling, just under the surface, but I was always able to keep it controlled. After having let loose so furiously recently, it's risen to the surface, and has become more dangerous, more powerful, and more difficult to keep reigned in. Maybe Socrates has a Yoga program I could use to reclaim some peace? The thought of a computer doing yoga at least gives me a slight smile.
I had aspired to be Gandalf, but today I'm feeling more like Bilbo, coping with the powers of the magic around my neck and the thoughts that come with it. If it comes to it, will I be able to keep control or will I go full Saruman? Damn, Christopher Lee was always a great antagonist - he was a legend, and I regret never having to gotten to work with him.
I wonder who around here would watch a Lord of the Rings Extended cut marathon with me?