Post fight and on to another delivery job. by Baric | World Anvil

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Post fight and on to another delivery job.

by Baric Dayspark

Post fight. We caught our breaths. I called on Mitra for a touch of help and he healed most of my wounds. We looted the orc weapons and set to burying them in a cairn. We did it in the caves as the material was close at hand and we were concerned about more orcs showing up. While the rest of us worked on this task, Tuath went scouting.
Tuath found a war band of orcs up the mountain. 2 – 3 dozen of them with scouts/guards posted. He came back and let us know. This caused us to speed our efforts to clear out. Dazelene and Norbus opted to travel with us back to Phanlyn. We headed out on this two day trip, doing our best to cover out tracks.
We stopped by Adabra Gwynn’s windmill on Umbrage Hill on the way down. She was happy to see us and trade news. We spent the night, took care of a number of chores around the place, and were rewarded with a healing salve (which Dash took).
The following morning, we headed into Phanlyn. We looked up Harbin and presented Dazelene and Norbus as proof that we let them know of the ‘dragon threat’. He paid out. We told Harbin about the orcs. He was unimpressed.
Dazelene and Norbus, and Blithe all have other things to do and opt to take their leave of the party. Balderdash (now Dash to us), opts to join the group.
A look at the job board gave us our next task. One of the job board postings is to deliver a couple crates to a logging camp run by Tybor Westin who is a relation to Harbin. This looks to be four days out, four days back and pays 100GP. (The gnome quest is still there, looking a little faded by the sun.)
We went to the Lyonshield Coster and sold the orc weapons. I also ordered a banner of the Dawn Cat to hang on the town shrine when I am in town. I paid up front to pick up when back in town. We also picked up provisions.
In the morning, we stopped by Barthan’s Provisions. He had the crates, 2 wheel cart, and an Ox named Vincent. Directions are to head west to a river, follow the river north until we hit the logging camp. He had a paper describing the inventory. Food, Ale, Oil… The directions are to head west into Naerwinter wood until we hit a river. Head north until we hit camp. If we hit the mountains, or go more than five days, we have gone too far.
We head out. Just outside of town, I hear a faint nightmare screech. It is coming from the other side of town, in the distance. I call for the party to stop and listen. We do not hear it again.
We head out. No drama on the first day. We hit the forest. We run into a boar. We spook it and Tuath goes running off after it. This is how we lose people. Eventually, Tuath returns. We have a bit of a discussion about running off alone. He does note that this particular boar seemed oddly intelligent. We agreed not to attack the boar but rather to attempt to make friends with it if we could.