Ser Madra by Tristan | World Anvil

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Sun 30th Jun 2019 10:33

Ser Madra

by Tristan Unfridson

Today I nearly lost those closest to me, after a giant wave destroyed the boat we traveled upon. After searching the shore desperately for any signs of them, me and Fella managed to reach an encampment where they were being held by Hjarnborn's men. My companions were unhurt, though one had vowed to face the leader of Hjarnborn's men, a talented fighter, and I was given the option to face him and win their freedom, should I defeat him in battle. Though I saw he was more experienced and better armed than myself, I pledged my sword to my companions and faced the man, Ser Madra, though I was promptly defeated.
Ser Madra was an honorable man who had pledged his life to serving a Jarl whose land is in turmoil, but he seemed unwavered in his vows, as all men of honor should be. It is during troubled times that a man's worth and honor is tested, and his was tested immensely. By losing my duel, I had to accept its terms and the fact that my companions would be taken to Havnrik to face the Jarl himself. Once again, I had failed them.
Thankfully, Ser Madra saw the light of reason as to why we were in Hjarnborn's land and agreed to let us continue on our mission to try to save his land from the threat of the Jotun that looms over all of the Shieldlands. At least tonight my companions will rest easily with warm bedrolls and filled stomachs without any bounds on their hands. That is small respite for the price I almost had to pay to try to do the honorable thing.