Temple's Secrets by Tenebris | World Anvil

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20 Roitous 1220

Temple's Secrets

by Queen of Breace Tenebris Lanekea Arbitrium

Dearest Diary...
Today I came across the most peculiar of sights in the temple of Necronamin. I had gone to visit my parents in their final resting place as I do everyday, when I noticed an irregularity in the torch placements. I thought it silly how I have come to this temple everyday for years and never noticed this odd placement. It sat just above a shrine to the god of death, something I have been told every waking day is no to be tampered with, but I don't much care for religious ideals and may have ... "accidentally" ... pulled, pushed and shoved all around that alter for secrets. Eventually, I smacked myself in the face for my stupidity, the torch, of course, when is it NOT the torch. I gently pulled it down, as I did, the wall rumbled and retracted into the ground.
My initial thought was "FRICK! EVERYONE WILL HAVE HEARD THAT!" But, no one came so I guess it was normal to hear shakes and wakes in a rickety old temple. I looked down the darkness and saw a small staircase (No more than ten steps) leading down into a confined desk space. It seemed like a place someone had made to practice some or other magic in private, which is understandable considering the practice of magic is illegal in Balance. I threw that thought out of my head and started studying the resources around me. Plant, garlic, mushroom, shrunken head, herb, human heart ... human limb ...human head ... I realized that this is a place someone went to practice dark, demonic magic, which is punishable by death.
I was shocked, I mean, if you practice some minor sorcery you'll get off with just a slap on the wrist but demonic magic doesn't only hurt you by ways of the court, it hurts you mentally, infecting the ones you care about as well. I also realized, a little later than I would like to admit mind you, that there had been a string of unsolved murders which abruptly stopped about a month ago. I could see that there were cobwebs settled by the quill and ink pot sitting next to the strange notebook on the table, I assume that they had either stopped, fled town or died. (I was just happy they weren't going to walk in on the queen snooping during the one hour I get without guards)
My attention had landed with that strange looking notebook, if they had fled, why did they leave this? Is this why they fled? Whats in it? I then went "Duh, read it to know whats in it" But I didn't, for some reason, I was, and still am, afraid to read it. There is a strange air around it, but I wasn't just going to let it lie there and get old, so ... I took it home, I'm keeping it in my desk under this journal. I still haven't read it, I don't even think I should...

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  1. Temple's Secrets
    20 Roitous 1220
  2. Spell Book
    22 Roitous 1220
  3. Guard