20200912 Love Birds in a Hurricane by Jesse | World Anvil

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Sat 26th Sep 2020 08:52

20200912 Love Birds in a Hurricane

by Jesse Devonshire

Scaevola Aemula and I got together again, and Wrong Way too. Glad to see him. I hardly got any time to talk about her to him, nor him to her for that matter. There's no time; this situation has been growing (or rotting) for so long that we need some swift action. We might be able to get some of the parties (Ranchers and Farmers and others) to out of the traps they've set for themselves. Some of them may already be trying. Big Mari and Big Louie might be at least mostly come to their senses. Now if we can find them before they get themselves killed trying to put back down what they called up.
At the Whippetal Ranch, there's that Pumice hill where maybe a falling star skipped. It could be chock full of magic materials, or anti-magic materials. Either way, more coveted than anyone around here seems to know. I wonder who has the land rights to it? The Alfredo family maybe? I wonder if it is interfering with Scaevola Aemula's sense of direction too? She does so much tree-hopping it could be dangerous for her to lose her bearings.
We sneaked our way to the Whippetal Mansion, depending on what you call sneaking. Chef got a Hell-Woolies' Halberd - in his hands, not in his skull, which is good.
We took the kinda secret servants' door to the cellar. It had all the usual stuff, a furnace, a globe stuffed with baby blankets, an empty prison cell, letters from Mia Alfredo to her cousin. Also some notes on how the Alfredo's kept Purgatory Gulch out of the Free Cities League. Also a disreputable real estate plan to buy up all the land suitable for a youthful team of meddling sleuths and their pet to investigate.
Big M and Big L might have been the powerhouses on the Rancher side. It seems Grandma Clementine Gnarlbeard of Corrient Farm was the powerhouse on the Farmer side.
It appears their was a War for the Storm. In this arid land, who controls the water controls the power of life itself.
Big M&L left a note for Princess to grab her little friend and Grandpa's decorated skull and head south... way south... Then keep going.
So we got all the way from the cellar to the attic before we found ourselves in a death trap. It's a shame I never have time to talk Alchemy with anyone who's interested in it. They are always fighting for their lives.