20200727 Mapping the Whippetal Ranch by Jesse | World Anvil

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Wed 29th Jul 2020 11:10

20200727 Mapping the Whippetal Ranch

by Jesse Devonshire

[Other players' characters used without permission under the "Rule of Funny"; it's ok if it's funny.]
[Image of Tawny Owl GNU Free Documentation License:
Jesse the Tawny Owl returned in the blink of an eye, (geologically speaking), to the spot in the road where the SNAFU Posse was riding toward Whippetal Ranch. He scratched a word in the dirt in Kayam Runes.
Blank stares.
He points to the word and hoots, t'wit-t'woo!
Crickets chirp.
He makes the same hoot only louder and slower.
Sephia facepalms.
Lee Chung remains politely stoic.
Jesse gives a little hop as it dawns on him. He writes over the first message, in Common, "FARMHOU...".
Miro says, "You know I have a map, right?"
Rowtag lands near Jesse and hoots. Jesse excitedly hoots at him a while, then looks at Bruthazmus.
Rowtag shakes his head. Jesse hoots again.
Rowtag slowly starts to hoot at Bruthazmus.
Bruthazmus waits politely, with a smirk growing on his face.
Miro lays his map down on the ground and tries to get one of the owls to take a quill with ink.
Jesse hoots again. Rowtag makes the same hoots only louder and slower.
Bruthazmus starts, "You know..."
Zhang Sephia starts, "Isn't there a spell...?"
Miro says, "Just point to the map!"
Jesse gives a little hop as it dawns on him. He hoots out a musical magic spell. Miro tilts his head, "?"
"There are five barns, two lakes, one silo," Jesse says in Common in a voice slightly higher than Mickey Mouse's.
Jesse coughs and clears his little owl throat. In the deepest voice he can manage, he says, "Agoseris Barn is the most Northeast, and there's a waterfall in the northwest..."
"Now we're cookin'," Miro says as he starts marking the map.
"The waterfall is a little more to the right," Sephia adds.
Bruthazmus and Lee Chung turn an inquisitive look to Sephia.
"Don't blame me. Xifeng wanted to make sure Jesse was safe out there," she explained.
Between them all, the map was completed in the blink of an eye, astronomically speaking.