Journal of Valweld'mion Gi'ila, Volume 2, Page 2: Dear Faelyn by Valweld'mion | World Anvil

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27th of Aul, 368

Journal of Valweld'mion Gi'ila, Volume 2, Page 2: Dear Faelyn

by Valweld'mion Gi'ila

Dear Faelyn,
You said you treasured my letters so this is just another thing for you to hold onto. With the first journal, remove what you think is appropriate. Whether information I've asked or whatever you want or need to redact for your own safety or sanity (perhaps my father does not need to see me theorizing if you are an elaborate illusion...). I hope by the time you get this (if it is not because I've filled yet another journal in 2 months), you will have met my father.
Keep the first one for as long as you need or want. As much worry as my father has given me, he is a true immortal. He can wait on it. I just want him to have some piece of me if I am gone. He deserves that much.
I also hope my future proofing hasn't resulted in a very awkward situation if we've broken up. Well, here's hoping! (that we last!!!)

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  1. Journal of Valweld'mion Gi'ila, Volume 1, Page 1
    27th of Raqi, 368
  2. Journal of Valweld'mion Gi'ila, Volume 1, Pages 2-3
    27th of Raqi, 368
  3. Journal of Valweld'mion Gi'ila, Volume 1, Pages 4-7: Events leading up to this journal
    27th of Raqi, 368
  4. Journal of Valweld'mion Gi'ila, Volume 1, Pages 8-9: Dear Ridan Venmila
    28th of Raqi, 368
  5. Journal of Valweld'mion Gi'ila, Volume 1, Page 10: Today's notes, 2 days until Harvest Fest
    28th of Raqi, 368
  6. Journal of Valweld'mion Gi'ila, Volume 1, Page 11: Dear Valrieth
    28th of Raqi, 368
  7. Journal of Valweld'mion Gi'ila, Volume 1, Page 122: Dear Willow
    23rd of Aul, 368
  8. Valweld'mion Gi'ila's Letters to Faelyn Ar'aphine, Letter 5: Response to Letters 1-2, Part 1
    26th of Aul, 368
  9. Valweld'mion Gi'ila's Letters to Faelyn Ar'aphine, Letter 6: Response to Letters 1-2, Part 2
    26th of Aul, 368
  10. Journal of Valweld'mion Gi'ila, Volume 2, Page 1: Dear whomever it may concern
    27th of Aul, 368
  11. Journal of Valweld'mion Gi'ila, Volume 2, Page 2: Dear Faelyn
    27th of Aul, 368
  12. Journal of Valweld'mion Gi'ila, Volume 1, Page 138: Today's Events (7th-10th of Eiral)
    7th-10th of Eiral, 368
  13. Journal of Valweld'mion Gi'ila, Volume 1, Pages 144-148: Today's Events, we awoke and found the facility was clean
    15th of Eiral, 368
  14. Journal of Valweld'mion Gi'ila, Volume 1, Pages 149-150: Dear Faelyn
    15th of Eiral, 368
  15. Valweld'mion Gi'ila's Letters to Faelyn Ar'aphine, Letter 7: An Apology
    29th of Dylin, 368
  16. Faelyn Ar'aphine's Letters to Valweld'mion Gi'ila, Letter 3: Response to Letter 7
    29th of Dylin, 1572
  17. Valweld'mion Gi'ila's Letters to Faelyn Ar'aphine, Letter 8: A Note on a Ribbon
    29th of Dylin, 368
  18. Valweld'mion Gi'ila's Letters to Faelyn Ar'aphine, Letter 9: Response to Letter 3
    30th of Dylin, 368