The Eki-Morlu tribe by Raisa | World Anvil

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Wed 26th May 2021 07:58

The Eki-Morlu tribe

by Raisa Conch

After a long arduous journey without Barkin, who by some grace caught up to us, we made it slightly down the river. I really wish that we could find a way to get these vine creature to stop coming after us, though I understand why they do not want us in their home. Speaking of this, we ran into a tribal group called the Eki-Morlu. While we had initially attempted to fight, it was soon obvious that it would not be wise to do so. Thank goodness that Jojery was able to do a spell for some amount of communication, because their language was foreign to us all. We did end up traveling with the group that attacked us, and were treated as trusted prisoners of war, a similar practice to the weary mercenaries we'd capture fighting for the mining corporations on Vashyl Minor. I understood the practices, though the rest of the party seemed hesitant. They did end up taking us to a large city, where we were not going to be let in. Though I stepped forward and gave up my hands for binding, to which the guards began to trust us. This tribe makes me wonder what life could have been like for the orcs of the Petrol Hoarde, if it were not for the mining corporations. We were eventually allowed to see their leader who gave us cursed necklace, which when found I will keep in my possession for safe keepings. They seem to understand hemomancy to some degree, I just wonder if i could find a way to strengthen my powers without harming myself. I did end up bartering for new armor, as mine is still the same as the armor from the trials. To do this I gave up my dagger from the tribe, it was a gift before the trials that my father gave me as a good luck present. I hope that one day my sacrifices will fix my failures to my brother. May Gruumsh give me the power to wipe all of the undead from this plain.

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