Session 9 - A Choice by Ghorm | World Anvil

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Sat 29th Apr 2023 12:56

Session 9 - A Choice

by Ghorm

Arthur Kimber said he got a bounty come across his desk to kill The Dreaded Bagman in Monto's Rest, a few days ride north of Blackwater.
On the second night, I get no sleep because of the power surging through me.
We arrive at Monto's Rest which when we got close, it got unnaturally dark, as if it was night time.
"The Bagman hides at the grave of the Winged dead" written in blood in the church we entered at Monto's Rest.
We then go to the graveyard, where some zombies come out of the existing graves. We dispatch the zombies easily and go to approach the Badman, as we approach, the night time ends and surrounding us is around 40 guards from Strawberry. They set up the bounty as a trap to get Elrbrick.
They find Elrbrick guilty and the sentencing will be in the morning. In the night, Shiguagh shows up and blows a hole in the prison and runs off. As we go to escape after Carro and Elrbrick free us from our binds, we are blocked by guards.
We escape after killing some of the guards with Carro bound up so he can't get to the Gem of the Dead. Elrbrick foolishly tried to set Carro free while Bale was focusing on the gem. Because of this I had to attack Elrbrick and knock him unconscious.
Suhk Sook thankfully is on my side and agrees that Carro should have the gem disconnected from him.
Bale managed to attune to the Gem of the Dead, which broke Carro's connection and he sheepishly apologized for his actions the last few days. Bale then spent another hour un-attuning to the Gem of the Dead. While Bale was in that process, I bound Elrbrick so we can find out what he wants to do once he awakes.
Elrbrick was still for some reason insisting that Carro have the gems even after Carro said he didn't want them especially after knowing how he was with just his one.
Elrbrick during our night, walked off to take a shit, and wouldn't do it by the dome so walked off. Suhk Sook woke up Carro, Bale and myself and we followed after Elrbrick. He said we should have some trust in him that he won't run. We agree to turn our back and he ends up running off breaking our trust in him. We decide if he does come back, we want his gem from him. If he gives it to us willingly then we'll let him stay with us, if he doesn't give it to us, we'll take it forcefully and then he'll be on his own.