Downtime Two by Gwyn | World Anvil

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Sat 20th Oct 2018 02:58

Downtime Two

by Gwyn

Gwyn built an iron maiden that identifies magical effects by damaging the user.
Iron Maiden
Level 7 Ephemera
Inflicts one wound to user to identify magical effects
Gwyn also visited the Lacunae Union and met the Star Prince.
Began the following character arcs:
You set out to accomplish something that will further an organization. You’re probably allied with them or they are rewarding you for your help in some fashion.
Cost: Saying Yes. You pay a cost of 2 Acumen. (Paid)
Opening: Responding to the Call. 1 Acumen reward. You work out all the details of what’s expected of you, and what rewards (if any) you might get. You also get the specifics of what’s required to join and advance. (Received)
Step: Sizing up the Task. 2 Acumen reward. This requires some action. A reconnaissance mission. An investigation.
Step(s): Undertaking the Task. 2 Acumen reward. Because this arc can vary so widely based on the task involved, there might be multiple steps like this one.
Climax: Completing the Task. 3 Acumen reward. A successful resolution results in 1 Joy. Failure results in 1 Despair.
Resolution: 1 Acumen reward. Collecting your reward (if any) and conferring with the people in the organization that you spoke to. Perhaps getting access to higher-ranking people in the organization. You can choose to have your connection to the organization increase by 1 level rather than take the Acumen reward.