A few kinds of masks by Gwyn | World Anvil

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Mon 11th Mar 2019 03:09

A few kinds of masks

by Gwyn

Gwyn makes the Mensis Cage: 1 gem + 232 crystal + 160 orbs
Gwyn encounters some funky goblin things with masks. The goblins appear to be whatever is written on the masks. Gwyn swiped a mask. Gwyn is unable to recreate the mask. Gwyn used the Cage of Mensis to try and find a way to duplicate the masks. He found he would never be able to duplicate the masks so retains it inside his ephemera storage room.
In this time Gwyn goes to see Red Comet to learn how to better defend himself and his friend sin combat. He learns the secrets Lethal Lore and Permanent Ward, and the spell Lorica Squamata. With this new found vigor his forte develops as well. Gwyn learns Mystical Defense and Remarkable Skill.
1 Joy - Made Mensis Cage
1 Despair - Encountered mask goblins
-5 Joy - Crux
-5 Despair - Crux
-2 Crux - Mystical Defense
-3 Crux - Remarkable Skill
-8 Acumen - Lorica Squamata
-4 Acumen - Lethal Lore
-6 Acumen - Permanent Ward
-4 Joy
-4 Despair
-18 Acumen