Smells like teen spirit. Correction. Smells like being shocked. by Scarlet Sprite | World Anvil

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Fri 23rd Jun 2023 09:51

Smells like teen spirit. Correction. Smells like being shocked.

by Scarlet Sprite

AKA Best laid plans of scarlets and sprites...
New York City circa 2072. Nighttime. Feels like a Thursday?
Stalking Battery. Seems like its all we do now. Rollie is a ghost. We've learned a few things. This night hasn't been a piece de resistance by the energy rebels. Been staring at his back long enough. Now is the time to strike! Lined up nicely. We make our move! Getting good momentum. Leap. Battery moves just a little more than we calculated. Instead of landing a debilitating knee to his liver with a follow up forearm to his mandible bone. It's an ugly looking thing! Like a mosh pit. Enough that we know he felt it. Not enough to set him up for the follow up strikes. A righteous victory was in our grasp! Left standing there to watch in absolute horror. Battery turns. Nothing we can do but watch him turn on the juice. From his hand to his whole body. It feels like the Energizer bunny meets one of those outdoor bug zappers! It kept going and going and going.
My human is unable to dish out as much harm as that human gave her in return. Only my Sprite power kept her from suffering worse. Far worse. This is something that can't happen again. Human bodies are far to fragile and temporary to be put through that much damage and pain. Electrocution is NOT a individual feeling. Every nerve ending in my human's body screams in pain! Overloading the brain synapsis. Leading to a state of paralysis where now my human is unable to move.
Honey Badger to the rescue? Or does Battery have better things to do? Just conscious enough to know the shocks have stopped. Honey Badger is helping us up off the ground. She's screaming something at Battery as he heads in the other direction. A promise of another day. Another place. Than as if it wasn't bad enough to get more watts put through our behind than a generator in hurricane season. Honey Badger wants to take prisoners. We just keep on walking and say, "we have to get the bike out of the water. C'Mon." Takes her a minute, but sure as Battery blasted both of us into hair loss. She figured out I'm her ride home. It is a long, long walk back to the energy rebel base.
Jimmy some locks for some cord, rope, wire, chains, coat hangers, all rolled into one and with one deep breath into the drink we go. Tie a knot to die for. A tug or two? And, Honey Badger pulls our weight. Again. Oh the never ending L of this night never ends! Honey Badger gets tasked with bike guarding duty. While we Jack, and Jill, a truck. A bit of ignition position clinician. A certain metal screwdriver to complete a circuit and we have lift truck. We feel bad about borrowing someone's lively hood. As expected no one stepped up to try to borrow our bike with certain claw marks as a parting gift.
The thought of doing something to help people has been battery'd right out of us. Honey Badger is still in our ear telling us how great she did. It's kinda blah blah blah blah blah blah... blahblahblah... blah. Until she gets to the part about the girl. We realize its everyone for themselves out here. Or at least every gang. Gangs of New York. The rebel base may as well been a moon base for us tonight. Driving a tow truck wouldn't be that bad in another circumstance? But this is too much. The radio is set to some sad old country station playing sad old country songs. Reminded me of Appalachia.
The night of the living L that just kept on giving! - Scarlet and the Sprite.