Friday opening bell. by Scarlet Sprite | World Anvil

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Sat 29th Jul 2023 09:04

Friday opening bell.

by Scarlet Sprite

New York City circa 2072. Friday morning.
No sleep to Brooklyn.
After the longest night of our life. I wanted to work on the ditched Dragon. But no. Honey Badger is still all over me for my laundry list of fails last night. Literally badgering me for why I didn't smash the regs the first chance I had. Trying to explain anything to her is like talking to a oncoming truck. Best to get out of the way. About the time it was coming to a throwdown in walked the Commandant. Oh man, I thought I had it bad! She lays into him for being disloyal to the energy rebels. Screaming about trust! Irea is the enemy. No compromise! Not once. I can respect all that! Am glad she never got wind I made a deal with Assault and Battery in the Metro stairs. Lastly, I had no idea he was some sort of inflitrator. He will do what I tell him from now on. Or it's Honey Badger and him in a room. While I go for a ride.
Crap. He we go again. Intel reports Rollie is missing? Geno is hidden in the Metro. We are going back there. This time we are going to find Rollie, recover the Geno, and smash the regs beneath our heels. Driving back in the tow truck we Jacked and Jilled last night I park it where I found it with a packet (days wages?) and a letter signed by the energy rebels. From there it's the long walk of shame (for me) back to the Metro. Damn do I miss Dragon the supercycle I use my outside voice. Nods from the other two.
Another day at the metro.
Determined to add a W to all my L's. I take charge of the reconnaissance. We go our separate ways looking for the security cameras computer terminals. Beep our way into the closest offices. I find the security guard. Push her out of the way. I see a glipse of that blue suit on the monitor. Coming out of a wall! That's twice I've caught a glimpse of him down here! She is helpful enough as to point out where she thinks he is. Over coms I direct Honey Badger and Commendant to give chase. I give the security officer a chance to help us by pushing the panic button. Tell her I'm with the energy rebels following dangerous crimminals and we're here to help people like you. Suprisingly, she get's onto an intercom and tells the waiting passengers to exit the building and than she egress as well. So far, way to good. I look around for anything on what happened last night but the computer terminal locks me out. Nothing useful in the paperwork on the desks. My work is done here. On my way out I flip the main to the lights off. The better to see you with blue suit!
Boom boom out go the lights.
We do the stealth thing and wait. Wait and wait. It's a great vantage and ambush spot inside the stairwell. But it's just not going to happen. My human won't sit and wait. Fine the hunt is on. A Sprite shouldn't hold a grudge against a human. But personally, it would be nice to see her get some payback for last night. She got the worst of it every step of the way. Redemption not revenge is todays agenda.
Moving past the site of last nights fights. Hurts to think we had Battery right where we wanted him and couldn't finish the job. Commandant the double agent man and the queen of claws have their hands full. With a giant dirt monster. We don't even slow down. Yelling at Commandant I'm heading down the tracks searching for the blue suit carry on. He responds with something. How do we ever trust him? Where do we even start with her? Claws are sharper than her wits. He and Honey Badger can work that out. We're a volunteer in this. In it to help people! Not fight with monsters in a metro. Meh. Who are we kidding? If we don't win our next fight it's time to suit up with alot more than this bodystocking mask and cape!
Can't protect the innocents when we're pushing up daisys. - Scarlet and the Sprite.