In the Depth’s of Space… by Cypher | World Anvil

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Mon 2nd Aug 2021 12:56

In the Depth’s of Space…

by Cypher

Stardate 2021:07:28
Their journey was nearing its end, just one more cycle through this young star system and they would be back home. Xertath assured his young crew that even though exceptions happen, their travels through this quadrant would provide them with enough Solar Flare energy to make it home and back to their clusters!
As the ship passed through the space between the third planet and its moon, hopefully to gather some slingshot momentum towards the sun, a sudden portal pushed them into the atmosphere out of their planned course.
The ship careened through the air, its stabilizers widely out of whack as it hit a tip of a mountain then continued on its journey and finally landing beside the Greenland Outpost station.
It took only moments for the crew to assess the situation and confirm that none were injured beyond repair. But several of their quasar engines had been damaged in the process. It took a little longer for this inexperienced crew to get back in motion. Xertath was pleased that even though they were slow to their tasks the crew persisted and got to working.
Zaranidose volunteered to inspect the hull of the ship. She donned the protective force field and stepped outside. Immediately she returned within the ship - sir - this device is not working properly she sent out hills thoughts along their collective hive mind. The temperature outside is well beyond this units ability to work normally. I will doubly enforce the field around a marmot and send it to survey the hull. Xertath admired her determination, Zara programmed the creature surrounded it in its energy field doubled over and set it to research the hull. She’s watched its progress and after several time cycles it completed its job.
Meanwhile, the rest of the engineering crew looked woefully at the damaged engines.
Their mind link began to rumble and the Qualith looked at Xerath questioningly. He pointed to the screen and it projected imagery of approaching life forms and machinery.
Xertath used their advanced communication console to tap into the internet to gather more information about this planet they’d stumbled upon. Interesting to note that Malvan’s had been here in the past. Earth it was called he announced to his crew. They have some simple technology here but do not seem to use the collective as any part of their history. Savages…. What passed for laughter rang through the crew easing their fears.
A few cycles later, Xertath caught glimpses of the Xplore plane as it drew to the far side of the mountain. <xerxes> tech here on Earth? How peculiar, we will have to notify command of this upon our return.
His sensors picked up the rush of beings as they exit the ship and begin their trip around the mountain. Interesting he feeds the collective, these new arrivals are not coming directly at us and do not appear to be working with these others that have been assessing our vehicle.
The New Champions do their work and even bring on the newest member L’il Rocket and together they find an access port to the ship. Communications begin and several of these fleshlings have some advanced technology of their own. And even learn how to try to communicate with the Qualith. Perhaps they are known to the <xerxes> after all - perhaps they will help us find our needed supplies to repair the ship!
The New Champions do indeed help the Qualith to complete repairs and in hours manage to get them airborne again.
Just as the ship heads back out to its faltered trajectory point, Zara encompasses a marmot in 4 fields and feeds it out an airlock for it to free fall into Earth’s atmosphere. I will use the marmot’s telemetry to return to this planet she thinks to herself.
The marmot falls through the atmosphere protected by its force field generators pushed along the eddying wind currents to an unfamiliar location. The object lands on the rooftop of a building in midtown Millenium City, a young girl playing on the rooftop finds the marmot, somehow free of its forcefields and with joy claims it as her own. She brings it down into her home and shows it to her Mom & Dad, they look the furry thing over and Dad says “Honey it looks just like a Tribble from Star Trek!”
<to be continued>