Destroids in the Danger Room by Cypher | World Anvil

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Sun 13th Mar 2022 06:41

Destroids in the Danger Room

by Cypher

Word spreads fast amongst the New Champions, Destroids in the Danger Room?? What does this mean?
Rocket will begin working with which ever Tech person is around, Cypher or Sparks.
Cypher comes across the channel and asks for everyone to come to ready room 2
Rocket makes his way there, going by the kitchen first.
Cypher asks “Sparks, if you are nearby, we’d like your input!”
Sparks picks up his gear and heads to the ready room "On my way, Cypher."
The Hot Shot will go to the ready room.
Maxwell walks in while still eating the sandwich he made for the second time after Rocket took the first.
Rocket says: "Thanks Max. I appreciate the sandwich. It was good."
Lyzen portals in.
Sandcrab enters, "Hi all. Call to action? What is going on Cypher?" He asks
Sparks enters the room, and moves over to the side, plugs in to his deck and looks at Cypher.
Socrates enters the room, in his corporeal form as one of the recovered Destroids. He speaks matter-of-factly, “There was a moment in the most recent danger room scenario when I lost “control” of my sentience programming. I fear that, during that moment, Destroids were able to join the danger room.” “However I am currently processing the probabilities of various causes of their ability to insert into the danger room. Any additional theories and processing cycles would be appreciated.”
Rocket, "Yea, they did. Socrates, were they REAL Destroids?"
Max looks at Rocket, "I don't think they could have been real in that sense, as they disappeared when the simulation was shut down." (edited)
Sandcrab asks Socrates, "When you lost 'control', were you merged with your new robot body?"
Socrates replies: ”I believe they were ‘’real’ in the sense that they exist somewhere and joined the danger room via a connection we would not consider possible.”
Sparks speaks up, "Socrates, do you mind if I merge with your systems?"
Socrates replies: ”No, I was not in this form at the time. For awareness, I have scanned it meticulously and have constant gapping-routines in place for this ‘body’.” (edited)
Socrates replies: ”I do believe some sort of audit is necessary. However, I would prefer that it be dual controlled with a fail safe controlled by someone not participating in the audit of my systems.”
The Hot Shot thinks It's always the bots.
Sparks nods, "Sounds logical. I can do a cyber space scan while others are doing a real world search."
Maxwell gets a questioning look on his face and posits to the group, "Why would a nefarious group announce they have access to your systems in this way, which functionally has little impact? They would do better to continue to monitor us and have those Destroids show up in real-space."
Rocket, "But why would they enter the simulation, if Socrates did not program them to appear?"
The Hot Shot adds, "Cocky little bastards!"
Max, looking back to Rocket, "Exactly. If Socrates did not program them to appear, then someone else did, or they were able to come in on their own. Either way, someone announced they have access to our house, but gotten very little for it."
Socrates: “At this time, the highest probability theory I have is — ‘accidental’. Whomever was controlling these Destroids, did not intend to enter the danger room. We may have inadvertently identified a foe who is targeting us…or me.” (edited)
Rocket: "Other than our paranoia."
The Hot Shot," They own us now!"
Sparks, "Cypher, could it be Algorithm."
Sandcrab activates a holographic computers analysis system and attempts to upload video audio and danger room scripting files for analysis.
The Hot Shot thinks You got sloppy. It happens. Now what?
The Hot Shot says, *"I can look into our coms!" "It could take awhile?"
Then thinks, But that bot is your problem!
Max: "So we have lots of questions we need answers to: Who did this? Destroids appeared, but that doesn't mean it was Destroyer based, but possibly more likely.
How did they do this? How did they get this data into our systems without Socrates noticing, or even being aware they were in the Danger Room subroutines? Why did they do this? Socrates has postulated that it was accidental on the part of the perpetrator. This is someone's version of War Games?"
Sandcrab: [ooc] depending on what he finds, Computer Programming, Robotics, Security Systems or Analytic Senses: Criminology perhaps to search for clues may be next [ooc]
The Hot Shot says, "Ain't no accident boys!" "Your bot is compromised! Now f!!!!!g deal with it!"
Max: "Socrates, do you have Destroid mock-ups for use in the Danger Room available?"
Maxwell gives The Hot Shot the side-eye.
(( Sparks is looking for old NAGA / Destroyer passcodes etc. in the code base. Access to Some old facilities, and Cashed databases)
Max: "Socrates, do you have Destroid mock-ups for use in the Danger Room available?"
Socrates: “No, I have not yet progressed to that stage of the danger room. I was primarily focused on substantiating the physical attributes into the virtual world.” (edited)
Sandcrab: "Let us not jump to conclusions Hot Shot. We have not heard from Cypher, who although my knowledge in these fields is excellent, has innate abilities for just such investigations." Says Sandcrab attempting to cool the discussion down.
Socrates: ”I am satisfied to allow an audit of my codebase to help us answer this question.”
Sparks to Sandcrab, adds highlights to the missing data. "Sandcrab, did you notice this?"
Rocket "Look Hot Shot, Socrates is the whole reason that we are here. He has always been a stand up.... guy. He is being open and allowing people to prod and poke around in his code. That's like allowing someone to deep read your mind, down to your innermost hidden thoughts. Give him a break."
The Hot Shot just stares at the bot!
Socrates stares back at the Hot Shot. An unflinching gaze.”
Sandcrab to Sparks: "Yes. Please do not access those files yet. I want to make sure they remain unchanged until Cypher is ready to inspect them." Replies Sandcrab.
The Hot Shot says, I'll need to check everyone's coms that was in that danger room scene. Here Sandcrab hold onto mine. Hate to say it but mines the newest. I won't trust it until I've looked into it.
Max: Looking back to The Hot Shot, "You are also the newest, should we not treat you the same as you would treat your coms?" (edited)
Sparks, "What's to access, they are missing completely."
Sandcrab: "Files in systems interact with other systems and that data in neighboring systems can give important information about the use and function of other systems." replies Sandcrab
Max: "I'm not willing to point the finger at anyone until we know more, at least how this was done. With any luck, that might also lead us to who. The problem being that if there is a mole in the group, they may not even be aware of it."
Rocket "Ok, let's slow down everyone. We all want to get to the bottom of this. Infighting may well be what the goal was."
Sparks "Understood, I won't try to track them down, just yet."
The Hot Shot hands her com system to Maximum Resistance with out a word. (edited)
Max takes the coms questioningly, then hands it off to Sandcrab. "I know almost nothing about how these things work, I am a radio."
The Hot Shot says, I'll need to check everyone's coms that was in that danger room scene. Here Sandcrab hold onto mine. Hate to say it but mines the newest. I won't trust it until I've looked into it.
Sandcrab examines everyone's DarkR Web Coms from a distance with his Nanite Swarm, the nanites pass through and feed back the structural integrity, which he compares to their original construction. [ooc] Eidetic Memory [ooc]
The Hot Shot tells the group. Now a little chippier then normal! "Shut the danger room down" "At least until you check the bot and I personally look into these coms."
"Belay any actions at this time. We do not want to tip our hand or disconnect what we may need in the near future." says Sandcrab to Hot Shot.
As the data is collected from his Nanite Swarm Sandcrabs holographic screens update with the comparison of the original and present DarkR Web fobs, for everyone to see in a blown out and schematic view.
The structural representation confirms the Coms and FOBs are identical. However, it clearly illustrates a bifurcated communication path: the coms and FOBs work on two different channels. They both utilize the random-scatter-hop routines that run via the placement of the transceiver FOBs located at various highpoints across North America. The coms securely allow open communication among this group. The FOBs have an additional layer of security only available to a handful of the New Champions.
Max, looking around the room, "Who will be doing what to investigate this? We should at least work in pairs, if not more, to help limit any suspicious behaviors."
The Hot Shot stares at the hologram. Admiringly! Almost like a pacifier.
Max: "We are already in a situation that could be detrimental to the team, we don't want to be tearing ourselves apart."
Rocket "No, we don't. We are just starting to work as a team. We need to give and receive trust. We have to know that everyone here is going to back everyone else up."
The Hot Shot says distantly, "Maybe get the six of us with the same coms on back in the danger room? Maybe as good as any place to start?"
"I still want those coms to look at the hardware."
"Agreed." Says Sandcrab. "with caution."
Max: "Not a bad idea. That would allow Sandcrab, Cypher and Sparks to observe and see if something similar happens again, as they weren't in the room at the time." Maxwell nods approvingly.
Sparks "And I may be able to trace it back, if it happens again."
Socrates agrees,” Will someone monitor my codebase while the Danger Room experiment is underway?”
Sparks "Of course, it will be monitored."
Rocket, "I think that we should try to repeat what we did the first time, to see if it is a glitch in the code, or something more."
"Before we do that, I would like to have Cypher ready in Cerebsis." Says Sandcrab again trying to mediate action.
Socrates: ”Thank you. I do not make logical mistakes in the same sense as humans can be “sloppy”, but other faults cannot be ruled out until the source of this breach is confirmed.”
Max: "Just don't interfere. We want it to happen like last time. The Destroids, while a bit scary, aren't as much of a threat as we often attribute to them, at least for many of us."
Sparks "I won't be interfering, I'll be trying to trace the origin of the Destroids. If it is a glitch in the system, then, we should be able to find that. If it is someone attempting to enter our system, then, they probably won't try again too soon. Process of elimination." Sparks smiles. "Scientific procedure and all."
Max: "Do we have video playback of the Danger Room session? I'd like to see when they started their in-bound process. I'm wondering if it might be related to my flash attack, which I have used to disconnect Cypher from connectivity to systems before."
The Hot Shot wonders out loud, "where does the power for homestead come from?"
Rocket "Thinking about it, it was just about that time. Not very long into the session. Hot Shot had just peeked her head around the corner, and you had popped up on the top of the center. I had just recovered my senses from Lilianna's spirits." He shakes his head, "They don't play nice."
Sandcrab: "When we found the ruined original Homestead base I was able to repurpose the Champions two power banks and bring them down to this base when we build it."
The Hot Shot, turning to Sandcrab from the hologram, "we're always way way behind Dr. Destroyer's tech. Maybe power spikes from the Danger room can be traced?"
Socrates plays a video capture of the session. The video feed cuts-out well after the flash attack, but also several seconds before Lil’Rocket noticed the static. [Socrates lost contact with the room before Lil’Rocket noticed.]
Cypher slowly comes through the doorway into Ready Room One. He quietly goes and sits at the table. He does not communicate immediately. He sits down. Another 30 seconds pass as the room goes silent...
Cypher lifts his head looking around at those present. "I was doing a deep-net Cyber intrusion/spyware check. It took longer than expected."
He hands an iPad to Sparks, "Sub-routine 5743218 has some feedback, but nothing truly unusual, check it over yourself with your Widget kindly!"
He looks at those gathered, "This is indeed a cause for concern amongst us, but thus far I have not found any hack attempts or other security breaches." He looks at Hot Shot, "I believe a reattempt to initialize the appearance of the Destroids is a good thought. Welcome to the team..."
Suddenly Ghosts voice comes over the intercom “My suspicion is that this is the result of a trojan in the system. It hasn't been able to do much damage due to internal security measures and the fact that most of the system is air gapped from the outside world. It got into the system either when we got Socrates his new body, or when I foolishly brought two parts of destroyed Destroids inside the base. The parts were inside only for a moment, which might be part of the reason their damage has been contained. Those parts are now in our extra-dimensional prison. An examination of them may if nothing else, rule them out as suspect.
There is a pause: Please excuse my tardy response. I am... far away. I'll head back shortly.
Liliana, having found some snacks, places the largest bowl from the kitchen full of trail mix directly next to Rocket, and several smaller bowls around the room.
"I do not know if it has any bearing on your research, but electronics and the Spirits have always been at odds. With the new interface, perhaps channeled Spirit energy interrupted something important."
Liliana turns to Cypher and sheepishly pulls out her phone and offers it to him "If Daphne can tell you anything about how this has affected her, she's available to you"
Cypher looks at Daphne and then up at you, "She's pleased with how you're caring for her now..." He grins under his mask.
Rocket coughs to cover his laugh and tries not to do a spit take.