Adventures start somewhere by Pepwell | World Anvil

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Pepwell Timders

Adventures start somewhere

by Pepwell Timbers

UM. alright, I guess I'm going to start writing these..
Hello! Anyone who seems to be reading this? I hope you're finding this well since people CAN and WILL read whatever they find..
I heard stories starting adventures, to search the mysteries of the world or to find riches. I didn't expect it to start like a nightmare.
My new friend Carmen helped warn me of the Wolf folk, we managed to get some supplies and ran.
I don't think I've ever had my blood run as cold or fast before today.
Carmen was attacked by a wolf folk.. I was so scared I should have done more than just send a illusion out but at least he's okay now since my new fog friend healed him.
OH YEAH- We managed to warn the fenine village and get most of them out of the jungle. I never knew they knew such powerful spells! One of them made a wall of water that helped make my Illusion of dad's old armor make more of an impact. It was a bit dicey and we lost.. a lot of people... One of them, appears to be the chieftain. I wonder how things are going to be without him around if the tribe is going to stay together or split off into their own adventures. I'm still a little shaky from all the running we did. Carmen is okay now though! A wagon showed up after we got out of the jungle, they were really helpful and kind enough to offer help. I guess this means we're going to be okay! Well.. Okay as we can be.
The Priest is admirable, even though I think he underestimates people a little bit >:I
OH right! Fog Friend! I don't know who he is yet, but he healed Carmon without being asked and I am very grateful for that. He turned into fog and reshaped into a person on the roof with me. I have to admit, I don't think he's a human, but he seems like a pretty wonderful person so far.

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  1. Adventures start somewhere
    Pepwell Timders
  2. Some things are suppose to be forgotten
    Pepwell Timders
  3. Not alone and far from home
    Pepwell Timders