New Body Day by Eliza | World Anvil

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Wed 25th Aug 2021 06:56

New Body Day

by Eliza Etsuko Haruki

It’s not every day you get to say you got a new body. Although as an artificial intelligence it’s somewhat easier for me to jump into another body than most others.
It’s all thanks to Ilyara. She got two robots, I’m not exactly clear on the reasons why. However, the good thing for me is, she has said I can use one of the bodies if I ever want to go out without being stuck in a hub device. The weird thing is, because I don’t have any of my human memories, I can’t really remember what it’s like to be able to walk around and do things for myself. So, of course I jumped at the chance. Well, metaphorically since I can’t actually jump in my electronic form.
They arrived earlier and I gave her a hand setting things up. She’s not the most tech savvy individual, her password was, well, password. It took a little while to update everything and get them connected but Ilyara can now control them directly or she can hand over control of one of them to me and I can inhabit the body.
Once we knew everything was set up for her we thought it would be best to let me jump in and see what it was like. Having never controlled a body before there was a high probability of me falling flat on my face. Which of course I did the first time I tried to move forwards. I got my feet tangled together and ended up in a heap on the floor, narrowly missing the coffee table. Also unfortunately for me, Ilyara was recording and has the footage somewhere. I’m sure that will make an appearance again at some point or she’ll use it to bribe me into doing things. Fortunately however, when I was downloaded out of my creators brain and into the nexus, they must have also transferred over a lot of their subconscious, including how to walk and move. I was able to pick things up quickly and other than a few minor snaffus (must remember that glass is delicate and adjust grip when picking up glasses of water) I seem to be able to move around, just as long as you don’t want grace and delicacy any time soon.
Once I could be taken out in public we decided to go shopping, we needed armour for the bots and Ilyara had some credits burning a hole in her pocket. I really must teach her to save at some point, she seems to burn through credits at a substantial rate. We went to Weaver and Weaver, apparently her favourite spot for this kind of thing and got kitted out. I won’t comment on the clothing Ilyara bought, suffice it to say that it’s her taste and not mine, I prefer going out fully clothed.
Once we had clothes we headed over to the markets. That was an experience, it took me a moment to adjust to the sheer volume of input I was getting, sights and sounds but also smells and touch. It was interesting getting all of this input directly and it took me a moment to adjust. Ilyara wanted to get some guns and ammo for the bots so we headed over to a trader she knew, Ruzlan Zochaiev. I was half paying attention to her but also checking out my connection to the Nexus via the body. Because it was robotic it had all the tech so I could connect remotely. It was interesting as I had a screen where I was watching the scene in front of me, the audio was playing in my head but then there was a second screen where I could get data downloaded and search. Imagine using a computer with multiple screens, well that’s what it was like inside my head. I managed to discover that he had some drunk and disorderly convictions and had had to pay some fines but also, more interestingly that he was ex-military. 2nd Regiment Spetsnaz.
I caught him looking at me sideways and looked at him questioningly. He had picked up on the fact that I wasn’t a standard robot and started asking questions. Fortunately Rui and Ilyara had prepped me and warned me not to tell people that I was an AI, it could cause problems and make me a target. Out of nowhere he pulled a gun on me. The other bot automatically stepped up and tried to disarm him. I didn’t react. He raised an eyebrow, looked me up and down but put the gun away.
I know that the New Soviet Union have an issue with Robotics so I was concerned about his reaction to us but after some brief conversation with Ilyara he seemed appeased and sold us some weapons, including two claw pistols for the bots.
We also picked up a couple of drones, we figured they would come in handy, the bots have storage compartments and we were there anyway. Did I mention Ilyara’s need to spend any money she gets as soon as she gets it.
We got me some day to day clothes as I was starting to feel rather uncomfortable in the clothes Ilyara bought for the bots. We were getting rather a lot of stares and I’d rather blend into the background a little more.
As we were walking around we did see something that intrigued me. A tattoo studio, that could also tattoo synth-flesh. We decided it would be an easy way to tell the difference between the two bots so the others would know which was me quickly. As we went in and were asking questions I did a quick search and came up with a design of a human brain and circuitry. Two hours later and I was out with a new tattoo.
Before we headed back Ilyara thought it would be a good idea to take me to her bookshop so I could meet the others who worked for her an also so she could check in and make sure everything was OK. She introduced me to Clara and Marlene and then left me to have a nosey around while she went off to discuss the books and whatnot. Judging by the way she was eyeing up Marlene I guessed it was more whatnot than the books. She is lovely but she also likes to share the love.
As Ilyara can’t stay outside in the daylight for long and she was pushing it on time we headed to the AV and headed back. The bot needed to go back on charge for a bit anyway and I headed back to the CNC. I also wanted to see how easy it was to re-integrate the copy with the main version of me. We’d discussed things and thought it was best to keep the original me on the CNC in the apartment and send a copy of me out in the bot. If anything were to happen to the bot I wouldn’t be lost, just loose the memories of the bot after the copy was made. Fortunately it was pretty easy.