Return to the Immortal Serpent by Albert | World Anvil

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Return to the Immortal Serpent

by Doctor Albert Beitman

We returned to the Immortal Serpent but this time it was much less of a party and much more of a calm hookah lounge with slow music playing. Despite the better atmosphere Berko was still grumpy.
Eli came in with a dark skinned, red haired man named Ezekiel and they led us down a fancy spiral staircase into a sound proof basement filled with nice chairs and about 20 people.
I scanned the room and determined that a couple people were especially zealous and sat by them. Berko had a great conversation with this while the two ministers set up.
The night began with the two vampires cutting their hands and letting their blood pool into a golden basin. Berko knew that this tradition was from their religion from Egypt, The Followers of Sett.
The do some magic and while they ask everyone to close their eyes they let a red mist fill the aisles.
Berko and I do our best not to consume anything but I fail to resist the urges to long for freedom that the magic compelled us to do. John had a particularly rough time and screamed at Berko and I to close our eyes.
Berko spoke with Eli after the sermon and warned him about the contradictory path he was on. They spoke of the Red Woman and Eli said she was not part of the Anarchs. Berko may have dropped Quentin's name when talking about Wights, which Eli accused us of making out of Anarchs.

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