Season 2: Tuesday Montage by Kit (Kitsune) | World Anvil
Mon 25th Jan 2021 03:30

Season 2: Tuesday Montage

by Kit (Kitsune) Marshall?

The shock of seeing Ms. Ex in such a state of…vulnerability was a little too much for the young hero. As the crew begins the process of sorting out details from the warehouse and lab, one turns to ask the teen a question… but they are already gone. The camera shifts outward to the wooded area on the outskirts of the estate as a neon blue, fox bounds out of sight.
The next scene shows us the crowded hallways of PS 192 as students merge into the ebb and flow of morning ritual. We focus on a wide shot of a corridor filled with teens funneling toward their destinations. And that’s when we see a figure, surrounded by a colorful aura, as they move down the center of the hallway. The Students slide and jolt in different directions without warning and then continue on forgetting to express outrage or offense at the disruption. It’s almost as if the aura itself is pushing the students out of the way, while keeping the figure in the center obscured.
Play “I Melt With You”
Katuri Ikeda shuts his locker door and turns as the aura reaches him… and dissipates. We see Kit looking slightly dazed with fresh scrapes and bruises on their hands and face, but a look of recognition and warmth replaces their confusion, along with adoration and young love. After a moment of concern and reassurances, the pair move on the next obstacle. The Ikeda family and namely, Mama Kat.
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Kit knows that the last few visits haven’t gone quite as smoothly as they would like and turns to their boyfriend for guidance on how to win his family over. Now we see a series of shots with Katuri sending ideas and advice via DMs, memes, and relevant ticktoks. We see Kit’s responses as they try really hard to catch on to the most important points and not really getting it. And when they meet for their scheduled tutoring session, Katuri comes equipped with flashcards while Kit eagerly takes notes with colored coordinated pens and highlighters. By the time school lets out, Kit is feeling much more confident that they’ll be able to navigate the elusive Ikeda world. They pull on their bright, neon orange, Yumm uniform and promise to stop by after work while Katuri heads off to practice.
The camera shows Kit smiling as their boyfriend departs and then is seen walking down the center of a street into the neighborhoods of South Side. A shroud of vivid color blooms back to life, obscuring Kit once again as they head out into the City.

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