Season 2: Post Wedding Downtime Montage by Kit (Kitsune) | World Anvil
November 25

Season 2: Post Wedding Downtime Montage

by Kit (Kitsune) Marshall?

Kit didn’t know their hypnotic ability was missing until they answered another Yum order and came face to face with a Karen. Kit’s magic is pretty good at handling Karens so when they suggested that this was going to be the best meal she’d had in a long time, she just got mad, slammed the door in Kit’s face, called the manager and gave them the worst review ever.
Kit’s had abilities go missing before so when it does they know its good to go back to the place where it first showed up. This one happened downtown, in a place kind of like Time Square. A bustling center of entertainment and bright lights, where the lines of reality and illusion are blurred.
So when Kit saw an enchanting street magician, capturing an audience of passer-bys and a small, shadowy figure moving silently between them, Kit knew exactly what the illusion wanted you to see and what was really going down. The performance cycled several times over until the square cleared and the magician was distracted in conversation with a pretty purse vender. That’s when Kit struck up casual conversation with the shadowy assistant; a boy scarily older than Toma.
Kit couldn’t help but see the parallels between the kid and magician and themselves and Naga.
Then Kit looked the kid in the eyes with compassion and honesty and said, “Ya know, you don’t have to do what he tells you. You can find your own path.” The kid seemed skeptical at first but when Kit showed how magic could bring genuine happiness to others, a smile spread across the boy’s young face. In a wave of excitement, the boy embraced Kit and they felt the Hypnotic Trance flare back to life.
It wasn’t until a moment later that Kit had a sinking feeling that they’d been staring off at nothing. They looked around quickly and saw the boy leading the magician away with a sly smile. “Thanks for the advice, kid, but I think i got this.” Kit felt a mixture of annoyance and admiration at the realization that THEY’d been played by a baby. And another wave of annoyance as they searched their pockets and came up empty.
Well, at least the magic was back.
"Burned Hypnotic Suggest returned"

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  1. Season 2: Post Wedding Downtime Montage
    November 25
  2. Season 2: Tuesday Montage
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