A Letter to Wolfgang by Warden | World Anvil

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5 Therndor 999yk

A Letter to Wolfgang

by Warden

Dear Wolfgang Grummen,
I hope this letter finds you well, turns out that the spear to the back didn't permanently deactivate me, who knew? How are you doing, do you still practice artifice? I'd love the opportunity to reconnect with you, especially since given the research I did to contact you it turns out there aren't many of the squad left and I feel like some good should come of that terrible time. Since then, all those years ago, I've been very busy, I was reactivated by a druid of the shadow marches and he taught me about his magic that uses Eberron herself as a power source, been traveling mostly, trying to take in as much of the world as possible and meeting with some fine people and together we even saved Sharn from a dragon attack, as outlandish as that may seem. It appears nearly going dark forever does put a new perspective on things, I cannot wait for exploring as much as I can of my newfound freedom.
If you wish to reply, I can be reached via the House Orien enclave in New Cyre, I look forward to hearing from you
Yours faithfully,
Warden (Formally WX-4445/Fours)

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