Error Log_14_06_998_21-22 by Warden | World Anvil

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14th of Nymm, 998YK

Error Log_14_06_998_21-22

by Warden

Damage assessment... Processing...
Armour Compromised, Multiple lacerations to appendages... Pain, so much pain
Move... Why can't I move? Motor functions... Inoperable. Verbal functions... Inoperable Huh a stroke of fortune some might say
Assessing... Alchemical fluid draining... 80%... 70%... 60% he's going to deactivate me, I'm going to die
Critical damage sustained, seek artificer immediately Lei? Sie? please, I need help
Critical damage sustained, seek artificer immediately Azhug... I failed you, I'm sorry
Critical damage sustained, seek artificer immed... Processing...
what... it's letting me go?
Alchemical Fluid remaining - 35% - Recoperiating...
is that Geth? Run, man run! I'm dead weight

Critical damage sustained, seek artificer immediately
Wait, the tree... oh no... no, no, NO
Critical damage sustained, seek artificer immediately Dragon below... I GET IT!
Motor function... Active
Optics... Active
come on mate, you ain't dead yet... let's finish this

Continue reading...

  1. The Fall of Bull Hollow
    17th Aryth, 997 YK
  2. Strangers from a Strange land
    18th Aryth, 997 YK
  3. Forward Movement
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  4. New Beginnings, Old Wounds
    25th of Olarune, 998 YK
  5. Nature's Allies and I
    10th of Therendor, 998 YK
  6. The Revered and The Unseen
    9th of Eyre, 998 YK
  7. Letter to Singe
    9th of Eyre, 998 YK
  8. You're Marked!
    13th of Eyre, 998 YK
  9. The Twisted Forms of Xoriat - WIP
  10. Error Log_14_06_998_21-22
    14th of Nymm, 998YK
  11. A Letter to Wolfgang
    5 Therndor 999yk
  12. A Letter to Joan/Jaquces
    5th Terendor 999YK