Magigigika | World Anvil

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Campaign & Party

The Snapdragons

Asgir Gregor Magigigika
Run by MemberOfTheOrder
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Mon 25th Mar 2019 02:52

Pirates, Minotaurs, and Kallista Oh My!

by Magigigika

Upon arriving at the teleportation circle near Cold Harbor, I decided that I could try using it to teleport directly to Theren, instead of going to Kipar or Whiteharbor and traveling for days. We met snow pirates on the southern archipelago lead by Captain Maria Petrona Tomasa, a name that I've generally heard associated with wicked and shall we say unfavorable acts.
Anyway, we used the teleportation circle there to go to Kipar and traveled for days...
So after picking up the lead box I commissioned, we ran into a wandering Kit... again. That guy finds the weirdest bathrooms. Then we traveled to Theren's but Theren wasn't there instead we heard the muffled cry of our forlorn tiefling friend Kallista! After Gregor kicked the door open, and I removed Kallista's gag we were attacked out of nowhere and Gregor got gored by a minotaur-dragon creature. We killed the dragon minotaur and its friend, then Kallista left. We recovered Gregor's scroll of ambiguous good and Theren's play. With no sign as to where Theren disappeared to.
Oh! and Gregor has learned spells from observing me.

Magigigika's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Magigigika's history, from the beginning to today.

Session: The Crossroads

10:21 pm - 04.07.2020

Session: The Crossroads

08:02 pm - 04.07.2020

The session

10:27 pm - 18.04.2020

The session

07:40 pm - 18.04.2020

Spinning the Wheel

10:19 pm - 11.04.2020

Spinning the Wheel

07:27 pm - 11.04.2020

The session

10:08 pm - 04.04.2020

The session

09:11 pm - 04.04.2020

The session

09:58 pm - 28.03.2020

The session

07:11 pm - 28.03.2020

The session

11:12 pm - 21.03.2020

The session

07:16 pm - 21.03.2020

Yeah, Mon!

10:55 pm - 14.03.2020

Yeah, Mon!

08:59 pm - 14.03.2020

A Different Kind of Plague II

05:59 am - 28.07.2019

A Different Kind of Plague II

05:59 am - 28.07.2019

A Different Kind of Plague

12:43 am - 23.06.2019

A Different Kind of Plague

11:46 pm - 22.06.2019

A Plague and a Cure

02:03 am - 26.05.2019

A Plague and a Cure

10:09 pm - 25.05.2019


10:37 pm - 09.09.2018


10:36 pm - 09.09.2018

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Magigigika.

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