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The Snapdragons

Asgir Gregor Magigigika
Run by MemberOfTheOrder
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Sun 28th Jul 2019 03:04

A Long-Lost Brother

by Gregor

While the village held celebrations, a stranger hails us and pulls me aside--he knows the Order Cant...
We exchange 'friendly' gestures and converse. He doesn't know what happened to the Order, so I told him. After some bittersweet conversation, he--Raffin--leads us to the village tavern to talk business. He tells a tale about his family and the ancestral castle that they own, which has recently been taken over by (what I assume to be) cultists. He showed us a symbol that they carved on the wall, and I believe it to be demonic in origin. He proposes that we clear out an ancestral castle for him.
We begin travel, and Raffin and I tell each other everything we know currently about the Order's situation. We camp for the night and a wizened old halfling from the road joins us. My senses reveal that he is actually Fiendish in nature... We surreptitiously guard ourselves and converse with the potential threat. It seems he's also interested in the keep, as he and his colleagues received a tip that there was a magic scroll stashed away there. Magigigika gets impatient and casts dispel magic to remove the fiend's disguise, and then counterspells the fiend's own counterspell.
It transforms into a hulking fiend, growing black hair and purple horns. I attempted to paralyze it, and when it shrugged my spell off, I committed its magical presence to memory. He seemingly disappeared, and when Magigigika attempted another counterspell, nothing happened. Raffin came back then--his presence is not the same as the fiend's, for reference--and we filled him in on what happened.
We all agreed that holding a night watch would be prudent. I took the first watch and used that time to meditate on the prescence, and then on my link to the strange network. Then Smulder did... that. Damned wild magic. I needed a full shave after that.
We continued on and found the castle. It rests on a sturdy cliff overlooking the Choer river. We crossed the river and began to trek to the castle. We found a scattering of commoners believing themselves to be competent cultists--we dispatched them with ease. The sole survivor was too scared to tell us much, so we bound his hands and sent him to Raffin. The stairwell was blocked by magic, but I was able to puzzle out how it worked and remove the barrier with Magika's and Smulder's help. Next was a congregation of flames on the last five steps; Eldon teleported to the other side to disable it after sticking his hand into it.
We encountered more enemies, with one spellcaster--also an easy fight. The abjurer cast a spell to fade away before I could confirm the kill.
We found a cave where another abjurer was powering a massive summoning circle--the previous abjurer tried to shield it from us, but we killed her. The other faded away, and a Devil came through the circle. It flew away and no one stopped it. Great.
Raffin also offered to rent the castle out to us. Also useless, since we can in no way afford renovating or holding it. Wonderful.

Gregor's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. First Entry
    15 Firemoot 231
  2. Whiteharbor Necromancy
    17 Firemoot 231
  3. Orgrothuul
    18 Firemoot 231
  4. Leaving Whiteharbor
    231 7 19
  5. A Short Break At Kipar
    231 7 20
  6. Heading North
    231 7 21
  7. Icelands
    231 9 4
  8. A Test of Strength
    231 10 2
  9. A Wild Ride
    231 10 18
  10. Ambush
    231 10 19
  11. damned hobgoblins
    231 10 20
  12. A Long-Lost Brother
    231 10 21

The major events and journals in Gregor's history, from the beginning to today.

damned hobgoblins

found villagers in forest looking for help in whiteharbor--said plague in their village. pointed them towards it, told to wash hands. walking to village, passed through some field of influence--kit fell asleep and chased a unicorn in his dream--a sign. t...

02:30 am - 26.05.2019

A Long-Lost Brother

While the village held celebrations, a stranger hails us and pulls me aside--he knows the Order Cant... We exchange 'friendly' gestures and converse. He doesn't know what happened to the Order, so I told him. After some bittersweet conversation, he--Raff...

12:39 am - 23.06.2019

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Gregor.

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