Sirimiri Amakiir | World Anvil

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Sirimiri Amakiir

Campaign & Party

Sirimiri and the Chaotic Idiots

Rolando "Redtide" de la Vega Aleric Kerensky Sirimiri Amakiir Noyade Crowfeather
Run by Onyxtheroc
ep2, spiders

Episode 2. SPIDERS

by Sirimiri Amakiir

Dear Himo,
I write to you again as per your request in keeping you updated, though I do not think I will have anything relevant to write down. My quest remains unchanged, I have yet to get wind of any clues regarding Bahamut's relic, but that does not deter me. You taught me to be stubborn and patient, for gods do not act on the whims of mortals so who knows how long it will take before Bahamut will grant me a lead. I am in no rush, however, and I try to focus on guiding my adventurer friends on the small and narrow. (If it is not too bold of me, I want to note that Alaric Kerensky is making it rather difficult. He is coloured by his past and sees the world through a fighter's eyes - but he is a good man, I see it in his eyes).
Our latest quest lead us down into the cellars of a brewery. The owner experienced a loss of a worker and wanted us to investigate. Himo, you know my fears better than myself, so no doubts you will be amused to learn that we found a cave of spiders connected to the brewery. We encountered several spiders(!! :C) but eventually made it back out. I am sure Bahamut was guiding us every step of the way, knowing how much I dislike those creatures.
Though when we came back, we were told that almost everyone at the guild had gathered north, and then we were given a writ that is way further north than what I have ever been. I would tell you where we are going, but Noyade Crowfeather said that if someone gets hold of these letters they might show up there and attack us. I think it is a silly thought; who would want my letters? They are all addressed to you after all, so it is not like someone else might mistake them for a letter to them.
Regardless, I hope you are doing well. Give my love to Ileana and Orik!
Bahamut's blessings,

Sirimiri Amakiir's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Downtime Preferences
    14 Jun 2019 04:38:11
  2. Episode 1. Thus it begins
    2018 10 29
  3. Episode 2. SPIDERS
    ep2, spiders

The major events and journals in Sirimiri Amakiir's history, from the beginning to today.

Downtime Preferences

Things Miri wants to do during the downtime weeks: - Somehow bring Stryx to the temple to manage her withdrawal - Talk to the guards/military to send people to Brealand for training - Religious service (from the downtime revisited list) - Spend time w...

04:36 pm - 14.06.2019

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Sirimiri Amakiir.

Played by

Other Characters by FImbulvetur