Ozil | World Anvil

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Chaotic Neutral Tiefling (Dispater) (Entertainer)
Bard (Lore) 3
21 / 21 HP

Scary exterior, soft interior

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Sat 21st Oct 2023 12:15

Session 2: Manshoon 2 Electric Boogaloo

by Ozil

Recovery from last times disaster

Well I've had some time to recuperate from that close to disaster that was last time. From chatting to everyone it seems like we're not the only ones who had to deal with absolute mayhem. I thought I had a close one but Jesus Christ DIED??? We were here less than a week and someone DIED??? Kinda regretting coming here not going to lie, but to be fair I got a bunch of gold and loads of people seem to be getting cool magic items and things so not sooo bad I guess. Anyways we've set up a new party to go explore the dungeon Jesus died in because like, Chad said they killed a bunch of stuff in there so we reckon it's mostly empty and we can just stroll in and take everything they missed.

Travel North West

All right off we go. No bad blood yet with these guys, all seem pretty chill. The witch is freaky though, her cape thing keeps moving weirdly and I don't like it. She's lovely though so I won't be too harsh of her weird clothes yet.

Day 5 of travel

Weird ass monsters in the forest, like what living being eats metal? There were a bunch of them though so we didn't want to risk it and just made them run away from us instead of killing them (we definitely could take them they looked weak af)
  • Rustmonsters in forest- like to eat metal, able to get them to run away when we make metal clanging noises in the distance

  • Deeper into forest- an eerie lack of animal noises- should investigate further at some point


Day 6 of travel

AAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLL RIGHT. IT HAPPENED AGAIN. I can't take this shit anymore, this is the SECOND time I've nearly died since coming here. Ok ok I won't get ahead of myself though, everyone's super busy writing fancy stuff in their journal or whatever so imma pretend I'm being coherent too I suppose.

BASICALLY things started off chill, there was this huge cyclops guy called Bront that Chad told us was chill and he was once we gave him sheep. Well anyways I was right, that witch was funky because she has RATS in her cloak, let me reiterate RATS in her cloak- weird. So we went into one of the rooms and there was this funky pool and I was like lemme have a look and the witch was like no no no that for sure has conjuration magic in it- and now, don't get me wrong, I know I didn't pay attention in college, but even I know that conjuration is summoning something so I was like cool- won't touch it, and GUESS WHAT THAT DRUID GUY DID, you literally won't believe me, he THREW A ROCK IN THE POOL, and to abolutely NO ONES SURPRISE a huge ass water elemental was in there. WOOOOHOOOO YIPPEEE DAYYYSSS!!! I was promptly bitch slapped into another world and to be fair he did end up saving my life but jesus I would have preferred it never happened in the first place. Ask for forgiveness not permission my ass. I got a cool sword tho which is cool

The craziness doesn't stop there though no no no, we went into the next room and there was just straight up a floating hand- I mean he was chill too, but why does everything we've talked to so far CLEARLY been dangerous but at the same time totally chill. Anyways he told us about the room filled with copper which was cool but also how the fuck am I supposed to carry that much copper- couldn't have been gold no?

Then we found a Manshoon actually just being resurrected and then a massive room where one was clearly disecting a bunch of himself in a way??? What a freaky place, and there was a ghost? Honestly this all sounds a bit stupid.

Bront saved us from all those shitty kobalds that came running after us which was cool of him, he deserved all those sheep that Tiernan brought for him- good planning there to be fair

  • See gallery for map drawn of what we explored, see Chad's Vlog #1 for the north side

  • Arrive at the cyclops- Bront- camp, broken leg and stuck in the hole where the entrance to the dungeon is, convince him to help us etc. by bribing him with sheep and giving him ones we brought, he can't talk to his dire wolves but is able to subdue them

  • Hexagon- detect magic
    • North side has massive statue

    • North west and north east doors were explored by Chad+group last time

    • South door- aftertaste of magic, past the door there is an illusion

    • South East door- flickering of magic

    • South West door- Flowing with magic

  • We decide to explore the South door

  • Illusion magic is the stairs are actually a slope, Malya sends her rats down to check it's safe

  • Pool with Conjuration magic

    • Sidus throws a pebble in the pool and a Water Elemental is summoned

    • We kill it with Ozil, Tiernan, and Horatio nearly dying with Tiernan going to 1 death save

    • Pool- no longer emenates magic, filled with copper coins at the bottom and a Magic Longsword with an amber eye in it's hilt

    • During the fight a trapdoor was triggered- there's a dead body at the bottom with a Manshoom helmet, and a Magic Wand

  • West door from pool room- big room with pillars and a statue of a Manshoon

    • Floating hand speaks to us- Bigsby's Hand, he seems chill but was made by a Manshoon, could have gone bad if we said anything bad

    • Behind the statue there's a secret room filled with copper coins

  • Secret door leads to kobalds around a big Urn with a Manshoon that is being "made", he tells us this dungeon was made by one of the Manshoons, however, opening the Urn breaks the spell and he dies

  • Large room with dissected Manshoons- seems as though one of the Manshoon was studying them

    • Room also has lots of papers strewn everywhere, bookshelves, etc.

    • We all get a Manshoon helmet, also a big leatherbound book with a symbol on the front and emenating evil magic

    • Manshoon ghost stumbles out of the bookshelf- he was actually 30 miles west trying to kill a different Manshoon and then died

    • Manshoon ghost also says one of the Manshoon bodies is a "trick body" whatever that menas

  • 20 Kobalds arrive and we run away- Bront kills them saying "those are my friends" and we give him the rest of the sheep we brought

Ozil's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Ozil's history, from the beginning to today.

The Manshoon Dungeon we explored in session 2 drawn up! Was not at all bothered to make sense of Chad's "Vlog" to get info for the rooms on the north side so if ye want info on those go ask him. Something something Manshoon in an infinite timeloop, something something Jesus Christ died

12:30 pm - 03.11.2023

Session II: Manshoon II Electric Shoogaloo

10:47 pm - 19.10.2023

Session II: Manshoon II Electric Shoogaloo

10:47 pm - 19.10.2023

Talking to myself here makes me feel important

09:58 pm - 14.10.2023

POV: you're too busy causing people to fall into pits of laughter (Tasha's Hideous Laughter) that you forget you can just insult them instead (forgot you can upcast cantrips ie. Vicious Mockery)

09:45 pm - 14.10.2023

Anyways risked my life for a cool magic amber thing and turns out I'm not even able to use it- anyways who wants to pay me

09:39 pm - 14.10.2023

Crying at having to work with people and they actually end up being helpful

09:37 pm - 14.10.2023

Ok but consider: I just become rich and never have problems again

06:40 pm - 07.10.2023

God what I'd do for a cool magic ring....Maybe I'll just yoink one next time I see one

05:04 pm - 07.10.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Ozil.

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Other Characters by irinarea990