Dolos Machiavelli | World Anvil

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Dolos Machiavelli

Dolos is a Clever Diplomat who Works the System of Tier 1 and 1 XP.

Dolos is an ambitious and manipulative young man that dreams of a United Federation of Planets that is not ruled by the greed of corporations.

Campaign & Party

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Sun 29th Aug 2021 09:10

Cassiano Mormilo

by Dolos Machiavelli

Acuzat de tradare pentru refuzarea unui ordin (ce ordin??) si intemnitat in Elysium, statie condusa de Ibis si marina.
A provocat o revolta si a preluat comanda Elysium deoarece dorea independenta fata de corporatii, guvern.
Dintr-o statie care orbita in jurul soarelui, intre jupiter si saturn, i-a pus motoare si a transformat-o intr-o nava.
Lucreaza cu Firebasts si Black Devils
Vrea shipyard prin orice mijloace (cercetatori sau organizatii criminale).

Dolos's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. United Federation of Planets Principles [WIP]
    29 May 2021 08:13:28
  2. Rulers
    29 May 2021 08:39:36
  3. Dark Drive
    29 Aug 2021 08:16:41
  4. Cassiano Mormilo
    29 Aug 2021 09:10:16

The major events and journals in Dolos's history, from the beginning to today.

United Federation of Planets Principles [WIP]

1. Rule of Philosophy and AI 2. No unqualified absolutism 3. Control over the education system 4. Justice in ideal state 5. System of Communism for Explorers and Rulers 6. Equality among men and women...

07:48 pm - 29.05.2021


What makes up a good ruler? Is a corrupt mayor that let corporations use experimental vehicles that killed hundreds of people a good ruler? Is an alcoholic governor that miscalculated the budget and could not afford water for its citizens for a whole m...

08:35 pm - 29.05.2021

Dark Drive

Caution! - deep sleep recommended if sanity is desired after the flight - once awaken thoughts may alter reality while in the quantum "universe" and also unknown effects on the world/dark drive (Joshy Thenders claw marks on outside of his pod) ...

12:10 pm - 01.08.2021

Cassiano Mormilo

Acuzat de tradare pentru refuzarea unui ordin (ce ordin??) si intemnitat in Elysium, statie condusa de Ibis si marina. A provocat o revolta si a preluat comanda Elysium deoarece dorea independenta fata de corporatii, guvern. Dintr-o statie care orbita i...

07:43 am - 08.08.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Dolos.

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