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Campaign & Party

The Strangers

Stergenallen Von Francis Whitelock Pip Garthyk
Run by Cántichlas the Scrivener
Played by

The major events and journals in Francis Whitelock's history, from the beginning to today.


04:00 am - 14.08.2021


04:00 am - 14.08.2021

Between Two Evils

09:22 pm - 08.08.2021

Between Two Evils

09:22 pm - 08.08.2021

5.3.07 Drow, spiders, and The Creator's Evil Twin

02:59 am - 23.06.2021

5.3.07 Drow, spiders, and The Creator's Evil Twin

02:59 am - 23.06.2021

TBD (but it ain't pretty, I'll tell ya that)

02:59 am - 23.06.2021

TBD (but it ain't pretty, I'll tell ya that)

02:59 am - 23.06.2021

Party Crasher

05:41 am - 14.03.2021

Party Crasher

05:39 am - 14.03.2021

Do or Die

09:14 pm - 27.02.2021

Do or Die

09:14 pm - 27.02.2021

With Fiends Like This...

04:09 am - 05.02.2021

With Fiends Like This...

04:09 am - 05.02.2021

Danith Or

06:47 am - 10.01.2021

Danith Or

06:46 am - 10.01.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Francis Whitelock.

Played by