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Emrys Ddraig Sy'n Ddu

A black dragonborn from the Vivid Marshes, he left home seeking information on a strange book, an heirloom of his tribe. On his travels, he fell in with a strange group of adventurers, and has ended up helping to lead the fight against the Darkness.

Campaign & Party

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The major events and journals in Emrys's history, from the beginning to today.

#03 - The Voting Dead

10:54 am - 26.06.2021

#03 - The Voting Dead

10:54 am - 26.06.2021

#02 - The Pains of Lake Side

10:34 am - 26.06.2021

#02 - The Pains of Lake Side

10:33 am - 26.06.2021

#01 - The Bell of the Ball

09:10 am - 26.06.2021

#01 - The Bell of the Ball

09:08 am - 26.06.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Emrys.

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Other Characters by Boshe