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Paulet Arta-aki

Good Aarakocra (Royal chef)
Cleric 2
Monk 4
35 / 35 HP

A sweet old grandma who loves to cook. She's a bit clumsy (or is she?) and seeks out the help of the other two in her travels to find her grandson who has taken to adventuring himself.

Campaign & Party

The Legendary Beetles

Gimdalf Paulet Macca
Run by brass_phoenix
Played by

Hello who-ever-reads-this!     Welcome to my world anvil. Currently, I have two worlds of my own and I'm writing content for the dnd campaign world I'm playing in.

Trout world

This is the world for my story The Journey of a Trout to Greatness of which I'm currently editing the first 30 chapters at a snail's pace.   It's a fun story about a bunch of half-dragon, half-beast bastard children who have taken up cultivation to become true dragons for various reasons.
It has all the cliche plots of adventures in pocket realms, inheriting ridiculously powerful ancient techniques and haughty rivals.


This is a world for a D&D campaign. There are monsters, gods, villains, weird items and much more. In the future, it will expand even more and I'm writing reports on what happened. Though they are written in Dutch   I also have a one-shot others can run based on the introductory adventure for this campaign. If you're interested, read it Here  


This is the campaign world of a friend who runs a dnd game. I mostly write content related to my PC's.
Gram Crackers is a goblin druïd who is very suspicious of people and travels the world in search of magic.   My current character, however, is Paulet Arta-akí. She's a kind Aarakocra grandma who loves to cook and hits where it hurts. Her goal? Find more recipes and her Grandson to give self knit sweaters! Also, turning down the gloom dial on these two edge-lords she's travelling with.   In other words: I'm making tons of content on goblins and Aarakocra culture.

Other characters
Fri 21st Oct 2022 05:53

A temple and mountains

by Paulet Arta-aki

After our conversation with the myconids reached a dead end a fight ensued. It was clear that they were the ones knowingly responsible for the chaos and disappearance of the gods. During the scuffle, we encountered more than one myconid who'd made a pact with a fiend and had access to their sinister abilities. It is fascinating how such a generally overlooked species has such impressive capabilities.
The enemies were dangerous and numerous enough that I felt using the few heaven-sent spells I poses was needed. The heavenly beast seemed especially effective against those with a connection to the fiends.
It took us a while to reach what was once a temple of magic if I understand mister Gimdalf correctly. This is where we encoutered an ominous ritual performed by incorporeal fiends and the myconids bound to them. It was difficult to figure out how to disrupt the ritual.
On one hand there were several capable myconids on guard. The ritual itself tended to send out destructive lightning as well, which made it difficult to stay close.
then there was also the fact that the incorporeal fiends would shield their corporeal allies from our attacks and our normal attacks had little influence on them. It also seemed that every time we landed a successful blow more fiends would appear.
We weren't without success though. Our early attempts might not have done much to disrupt the ritual but they did free some of the creatures that had been trapped by it. Eventually, I figured out, the others might have realised earlier but it was a bit chaotic, that the only real thing that had the desired effect on the ritual was holy (radiant) energy. By the time I fully realised this I had enough fight left for one big spell and that was enough. I summoned the largest heavenly beast I could muster and sent it right into the heart of the ritual. It was quite successful as a flash of bright light decimated our opponents.
However, I doubt the light flash was a direct result of my spell as when the dust cleared a strange-looking blue lady was standing at the centre. She was apparently the goddess of magic.
Mister Gimdalf had a lot of questions for her. Many of which were answered. She wanted to do us a favour for freeing her and solving a mess for them. Mister Gimdalf requested to become the future guardian of the temple so a similar incident wouldn't happen again though he mostly wanted to use it as a quiet place of study.
I myself wasn't sure what to ask for and mister Macca Ni intended to use his favour to give the drow head by his side a new body. The lady appreciated this selfless act enough to grant him another favour upon which he encountered the same problem as I did. She agreed that we could call her for a favour later.
When we returned to the surface for a well-deserved rest, Akta seemed surprised and relieved. Apparently, there had been a strong earthquake following the end of the ritual. The drow collapsed right after having a good meal and slept right until morning.
With a short discussion it was decided that Akta and the drow would become travelling buddies to explore the world they had been isolated from for so long. Akta was even kind enough to drop us off on the north side of the Eyaw empire where the three of us wanted to go.
I must admit that I wanted to go home primarily because I'd gotten sidetracked so much that I forgot where I was supposed to go to find Baritákè. Luckily the Gentlemen didn't seem to have any other plans. Besides, I think they could use a few calm days.

Paulet's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Snatching some companions
    23 Oct 2021 10:27:28
  2. Glowing forest
    05 Dec 2021 10:59:25
  3. Stories on the road
    05 Dec 2021 11:59:55
  4. To the Opal empire
    18 Feb 2022 12:43:05
  5. Second checkpoint and bandits
    21 Feb 2022 07:51:36
  6. No Idea what's going on
    24 Apr 2022 12:43:11
  7. Panic at Saltdale
    04 Jun 2022 11:05:26
  8. Made a friend
    25 Jun 2022 11:35:41
  9. A desert and a cave
    25 Sep 2022 10:07:12
  10. A temple and mountains
    21 Oct 2022 05:53:08

The major events and journals in Paulet's history, from the beginning to today.

A temple and mountains

After our conversation with the myconids reached a dead end a fight ensued. It was clear that they were the ones knowingly responsible for the chaos and disappearance of the gods. During the scuffle, we encountered more than one myconid who'd made a pact ...

05:53 pm - 21.10.2022

A desert and a cave

We had decided to fly southward as that was where the aurora seemed to roughly be concentrating. Mister Gimdalf noticed something amiss with the strange book he had previously used to turn off the strange geyser. It seemed to be displaying a far smaller v...

09:59 am - 25.09.2022

Made a friend

Once the Bandits left and the Soothsayers were left to watch over my Wagon and goats the Gentlemen and I made off towards town to eavesdrop on the dragon's conversation.[br]Most of the citizens had already left the town and local burglars and opportunists...

11:34 am - 25.06.2022

Din (white) and Dar (brown) are the two mountain goats that pull my lovely wagon.

12:00 pm - 07.06.2022

Panic at Saltdale

Mister Gimdalf returned in the evening while Mister Macca Ni choose to spend the night at an inn within the city. It would have been a peaceful night if it weren't for the large orb at the city centre. It had started to glow brightly and emitted an ominou...

11:01 am - 04.06.2022

No Idea what's going on

The bear had far more meat on its bone than I had anticipated. I have enough cured, smoked and dried meat (sausages) to last us several months. I may choose to sell a large amount of it if the need for money arises. It is a particular taste that isn't for...

12:42 pm - 24.04.2022

Second checkpoint and bandits

The next town we reached was the next checkpoint. To be safe I put on the cloak of human guise especially since there were far more guards here. We stayed the night and Mr Macca-nee tried to get some more information about what was going on.[br]Apparently...

07:51 pm - 21.02.2022

To the Opal empire

After closing up shop and selling the weapons entrusted to me by the gentleman named Macca Ni I headed towards the Black door Inn. Dar and Din had a good night's rest in the stables there and I sampled a few of the local dishes as good seafood is difficul...

04:36 pm - 18.12.2021

Stories on the road

In the morning I was awakened by the loud bleating of Dar, who had used a water barrel to climb onto the lodge's roof. She was easily coaxed down with breakfast but to ensure she wouldn't climb back up I displaced the barrel. She seemed rather disappointe...

11:59 am - 05.12.2021

Glowing forest

Today I started by brushing and milking my lovely goats Dar and Din. I might not be seeing the two troublemakers for a while so I made sure they're comfortable in their furs. Having done that, I took to the kitchen and made a small amount of barley porrid...

08:15 am - 30.10.2021

Snatching some companions

I've managed to secure a large wagon from a nice old lady near, dare I say, a rather creepy forest. The wooden cart creaks with every movement and frankly looks unsettling at night but that won't deter me from baking and selling my goods! Nor does it keep...

08:09 am - 23.10.2021

So excited to go travelling again! Let's see, where do I get a decent wagon around here?

06:08 pm - 22.10.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Paulet.

Played by

Hello who-ever-reads-this!     Welcome to my world anvil. Currently, I have two worlds of my own and I'm writing content for the dnd campaign world I'm playing in.

Trout world

This is the world for my story The Journey of a Trout to Greatness of which I'm currently editing the first 30 chapters at a snail's pace.   It's a fun story about a bunch of half-dragon, half-beast bastard children who have taken up cultivation to become true dragons for various reasons.
It has all the cliche plots of adventures in pocket realms, inheriting ridiculously powerful ancient techniques and haughty rivals.


This is a world for a D&D campaign. There are monsters, gods, villains, weird items and much more. In the future, it will expand even more and I'm writing reports on what happened. Though they are written in Dutch   I also have a one-shot others can run based on the introductory adventure for this campaign. If you're interested, read it Here  


This is the campaign world of a friend who runs a dnd game. I mostly write content related to my PC's.
Gram Crackers is a goblin druïd who is very suspicious of people and travels the world in search of magic.   My current character, however, is Paulet Arta-akí. She's a kind Aarakocra grandma who loves to cook and hits where it hurts. Her goal? Find more recipes and her Grandson to give self knit sweaters! Also, turning down the gloom dial on these two edge-lords she's travelling with.   In other words: I'm making tons of content on goblins and Aarakocra culture.

Other Characters by MPoel