Morganna | World Anvil

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A Wood Elf who became a sorceress and is learning how to control her magic.

Campaign & Party

Played by
Locust tree
Other characters
Sun 30th May 2021 06:14


by Morganna

Wand use spells:
Lynn is with me and Kaliel but still unconscious. Island: Emil and Maia and Aiden and Monkey Man, amazon woman and Koi fish. Aiden has a stick in his shoulder. (Aiden is with the monkey man) Maia and Emil on Island. Pit in middle of Island. Chained man at bottom who is chained. Prominent fangs, tipped ears, bulky and hairy. Pissed. He is a celestial. His name is Beauregard III of the Eastern Empire. Maia released him by tying a rope to herself and climbing down and tried to hit the chains with his sword but not strong enough. With Emil’s help he gets out. He crouches down and jumps out of the hole. He is 7’3”. He is a shifter of some kind. Fangs on top and bottom. Maia speaks Celestial to him.
He gets on top of a rock to talk about the war. Started a millennial ago when there was a war between the magical beings of this know universe. Epic. He asks us if the war had ended. He became separated. He thinks he has been stuck here for 25 minutes. Not the same war. He wants to repay them for saving him. He agrees to get them off the island. He puts Maia and Emile on his shoulders and jumps 45 in air and down into the water and immediately bounces up. After another jump, he falls through a baby blue portal with fish (he likes fish).
Lynn is strapped to Kaliel’s back. I told Kaliel what I found. We all went back to the prisoner. The bull is the guy who was jumping around. This is the lion (Leo). He freaked out when we got back and he breathed out flame. I calmed him down and asked him who he is. He was ambushed during the great war. He thought he was chained up for 45 minutes to an hour. Obviously not our war but the same one as Beauregard. His name is Coal. The generals from the opposing army chained him up. He is from the Western Gate. He said “It seems we are in a chamber.” He was with his troops and they were ambushed when they were trying to part the waters to sink the volcano. He is from a gate (not a kingdom). Beauregard crashed through the ceiling with Emil and Maia and landed at our feet. Everyone is speaking in common now. Coal is Beauregard’s general. Lay on Hands is done on Lynn. Beauregard is in love with Maia. He ripped Coal out of the chains. Beauregard tries to tempt Maia with Platinum.
A gate surrounds their tribes, they are big. There are 13 gates. Some tribes are joined, some not. They were fighting the gods. They came to their planet and destroyed everything so he took up the mantel of the bull and went after them and almost won but then he was stopped (this is Beauregard talking.) The god that attacked him was Boris, the god of the hunt. He used a club. He thinks his planet is probably dead. We are on Earth 2. We still need to find Aiden, Zettara and Bear.
Zettara and Bear landed in some kind of kingdom. She doesn’t do magic so can’t contact us. She asks Bear if he can contact us. He says no and she freaks. She sees corgi’s and dalmatians coming down the alley at her and she passes out.
Aiden is with the monkey man. He has a giant stick in his chest (last week was arm.) Moneyman helps him pull the stick out. Tells him that he has fallen into his dimension. The dimension that keeps peace with war, usually. The universe has fallen out of balance. The gods have been corrupted and Mother Nature is not pleased. He has been expecting Aiden for years and he is early, but it’s okay. His name is the All Seer.
When the universe was created there was but one planet. Zero planet. Not the first planet because it no longer exists. It is now just asteroids because when it exploded, everyone on it was wiped out. This was the Big Bang. This gave birth to the prime planet where humans human civilization currently thrives; the X planet, and from off of the x planet, X2. These were all created when Zero exploded. The first Big Bang. These three planets have developed differently, but hall have the same human culture. This has been the driving force for all of the exploration, the discovery, the turmoil, everything. There is the prime planet an there is another: Prime X2.
In Prime X2 there is a more ancient civilization. The Greeks, the Romans, the Egyptians, the Celtics, the Chinese and the Japanese were the first to inhabit this planet. These ancient civilizations gave birth to the god spheres. Gods would not have existed without mortals because they seed off of them. Symbiotic. Titans are not the same. Titans do not need mortals. Titans are awful and most of them come from Greek myths, but there have been rumors of other beings creeping up. The World Eater: a devourer of planets and comes from the Norse’s sphere. “How many enemies do you think you are dealing with?” A long time ago the god spheres were not created and the gods would run wild. Then the titans came back and then the world eater emerged and then other creatures crept out and it was decided that organization was needed. God spheres are the result of that organization. There are mortals who were chosen to help the gods with this process. That is why the god spheres exist in a hierarchy. It takes over 1,000 years to establish a set of god spheres that work. They function off of the same magic channel with some exceptions. The Japanese sphere uses different magic and some gods don’t use magic as we know it at all. All magic can be tainted no matter what, even stripped away. A magic channel that feels like it is pulsating is no good.
When the god speres were first tainted, there was war for thousands of years. During that war we lost the 100th planet. It was ripped apart by the Japanese sphere. The war ended when a select group of adventurers were able to turn the tide by setting things right. This has been repeated at least 4 times. The most recent was when the dwarves were brought back and a Titan sent? This process will repeat itself in the next 2-3 thousand years unless we stop it.
We are currently dealing with only 10 people. They have been behind almost everything we have seen with the exception of the men in yellow. One of them is NOT the queen. She is a pawn and is being controlled. This plan has been in the works for 500 years and is succeeding.
The gods are tainted now. It is unlikely to see one that is not tainted. I we find one it will probably kill us.
Aiden has 3 questions he can ask and only 10.
Titans hate the gods and are stronger than the gods.
The ten people are:
1. Kronos – Titan – ate his children – has seen a prophesy that the gods would overthrow him*
2. Hyperion – Titan
3. The Wise One
4. Loki – Trickster god
5. The World Serpent - Norse one
6. Fenrir - son of demoniac god Loki and a giantess, Angerboda
7. Xxannith – the Forsaken King
8. Atlas
9. The 2nd Wise One
10. Romus- Titan of the Megaverse section of the gods
Hyperion talked to Kelly – he has been here since the beginning. (from another game)
*this is why he is targeting the younger royals
The Forsaken King (Xxannith)was in charge of Earth 95 and 96. He had the single the biggest empire that spanned approx. 32 planets and 2 prime planets. He is the reason that there was so much enslavement. He single-handedly helped eliminate the dwarves, perfected method for making sure they didn’t come back, stole a child from Athena, raised that child under his care, impregnated the child, that child grow up to be a monstrosity. This monstrosity grew up to resent the gods. The king is called the Forsaken King because Zeus himself had to throw him off of his throne. This is the guy who figured out how to trap gods in little talismans and harness their power. He is also one of the oldest beings in Megaverse history.
As Aiden is finalizing the 3 questions (with the group) Beauregard and Coal start to float. We also float. “We’ve been summoned.” We are all whisked away to Aiden.
1st Question: How are the gods being contaminated and is there a way that we can reverse it?
1A Contaminating gods is a lengthy process but once it gets started, it’s quick. To contaminate an open magic channel that the gods can tap into, you have to unleash corrupted magic into the channel itself. It’s like infecting the channel with the flu. The gods have their own source of magic, they don’t always use the magic channel, but to move to and from each planet and not stay on Earth X2, where the ancients reside, the need to tap into a joined magic channel to travel to places where they might mot be worshipped. The gods cannot travel to places where they do not have authority over or, they cannot travel to places they are not directly invited to. The magic channel itself keeps travel in balance. Corrupting the magic channel will enable the gods to travel throughout the known universe freely.
1B It can be reversed? We can shut it and make sure this never happens again. The gods haven’t been at full power this entire time because this channel has been open. The very thing that is endangering you and the known universe is the only thing giving us a chance. The magic channel being open weakens the gods.
2nd Question: What exactly is the 500-year plan they are working on and what are their motives?
There was a group of people called the Wise Council. This was the brightest minds and the first humans ever created. The council was destroyed when the Wise One got a divorce. Their goal was to rectify what they deemed was wrong doing. The 500- year plan encompasses wiping out and erasing from existence any race that they deem impure. This excludes some extraterrestrial beings. Once they complete that or get as close as possible, then it will be time to infiltrate the gods. They’ll do this by infecting a champion. Once the champion is infected the training will begin. Once the champion has been trained, they will wait for it to be chosen. The champion will infect the god once they have had a chance to interact with each other. Then the god will unknowingly spread the infection to the rest of the sphere. The champion doesn’t’ know that he is infected. Then the infection spreads. Once it spreads, the location of the magic channel is revealed. Once the location is revealed people are sent to infect it. Once the channel infected, the gods meet in the same spot every time on Earth 2. This is called the epicenter. There a large volcano will rise, and hidden deep within the volcano is ancient magic. Even deeper is a luminescent orb. This grants 1 epic wish. The Wise One will try to use this to correct the universe. What he thinks is correct. Then, if he is not stopped, we are right back to where we started. This process can be stopped and the orb can be destroyed. The orb can only be destroyed by one who is worthy of heart and mind. Epicenter is on the map marked by a volcano.
Krono’s motivation is to rid the world of the great gods and bring about the age of the Titans.
Hyperion - his motivations are unclear. A mortal is involved.
The Wise one – wants to correct the universes and mold them in his image.
Loki has ulterior motives that are beyond the All Seer.
The World Serpent is seemingly along for the ride.
Fenrir seeks to destroy those who stopped him 800 years ago.
Xxanith seeks to take those who are unworthy to his home planet, where he will control them, mold them, and keep them as collector’s items.
Atlas is working with another, although we don’t’ know who that is or what his motives are.
The 2nd Wise One is seeking retribution.
Romus is looking to take his place in the center of the cosmos.
3rd Question: How can we tell if someone is corrupted and how do we stop it?
If we know how to stop it there’s a chance we can turn the gods to our side.
The only way to know if someone is corrupted is to go to a shaman. They can tap into ancient magic and ancient magic is the only way to tell other than the visual cues. These consist of:
The red sparks flying off of their bodies
Red eyes
Changed demeaner
Frightening aggression
Mood swings
In mortals, this corruption will kill them or turn them into a walking forsaken – Husks of them
To get rid of corruption
With an arrow that has been kissed with the tears of Persephone
Get a summoner to enact The Rights
Sacrifice a unicorn and drizzle the blood on an arrow tip. Need to do this each time run
out of unicorn’s blood
Other things not involving corruption:
Trying to get to the volcano will be suicide. Other groups are trying to complete this mission so technically we are not working alone.
We have 3 and possibly 4 gods on our side. They will rip us apart if we try to approach and we are being sent there every day.
We or any other group that has a chance of winning is going to need gods.
To awaken gods, we must free god spheres. If we open up new god spheres we will unleash new gods who will have no choice but to fight on our behalf.

His recommendation: Get a pass. It will give us access to any library, collection or library. We will need information. We will need people, the best we can find. We will need a lot of them to hold off the forces of the titans.
Another group is heading to the volcano. It would be good if we could help them by completing what he has told us to do or trying to get to the volcano but don’t go inside. None of us can break the orb.
We need to purify some of the gods. Gods like Athena will always be one step ahead of us. Some specialize in war (like Aries) and others specialize in killing us during war.
Luckily Nike hasn’t been turned yet. If she is corrupted, we will be defeated.
He gives us library cards. My photo is me asleep in the med bay.
8,000 gold for all of us (1,500 each)
Winter and summer clothes
I health potion each
Percy (was in his bag)
Horse drawn carriage
Champion ID (issued by him)
A locked box without a key (magical) It has 6 eyes and purrs
LYNN GETS HER CLASS!!!! She is a Ranger (we are first in Megaverse to see an NPG get her class. She
See map of Earth map go to Kama for information on magical devices. Zesha for protected classes. (Demigods, supernatural beings other champions, etc.) Go to the Grand Duchy of Cotaris for everything else. (Like where god spheres might be).
We are sent back to Arrondeth and land in Bruce’ apartment (sand Crystal). Bruce is out.
Lynn is trying to figure out how to use the bow she was given.
LEVEL 8 (Lynn also gets a new level)
Meanwhile Zettara and Bear are in an E.R. She can’t use the left side of her body. She has a large scar. She tries to shimmy down from the window of the hospital.
Since neither Zettara or Crystal our outside of the All-Seer’s jurisdiction, they are probably not on one of the 100 planets.

Morganna's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Morganna's history, from the beginning to today.

Chapter 3: Session 8: The End

03:03 am - 05.07.2021

Chapter 3: Session 8: The End

11:30 pm - 04.07.2021

Chapter 3: Session 7: Boss Fight

02:06 am - 28.06.2021

Chapter 3: Session 7: Boss Fight

11:38 pm - 27.06.2021

Chapter 3: Session 4: Discovery

11:19 pm - 27.06.2021

Chapter 3: Session 4: Discovery

11:19 pm - 27.06.2021

Chapter 3: Session 6: Still on the road...

02:08 am - 21.06.2021

Chapter 3: Session 6: Still on the road...

11:33 pm - 20.06.2021

Chapter 3: Session 5: On the road again

05:11 pm - 01.06.2021

Chapter 3: Session 5: On the road again

11:44 pm - 30.05.2021


Wand use spells: None Lynn is with me and Kaliel but still unconscious. Island: Emil and Maia and Aiden and Monkey Man, amazon woman and Koi fish. Aiden has a stick in his shoulder. (Aiden is with the monkey man) Maia and Emil on Island. Pit in midd...

06:14 pm - 30.05.2021


Wand use spells: Enlarge/Reduce Clive: The morning after: Kaliel woke up on a table at the end. Ball of fluff over her. Had been a drinking party the previous night. Everyone appeared to be hungover. When I wake up in the medical buildin...

03:13 pm - 20.05.2021


Wand use spells: Flame arrows Enlarge/Reduce We had decided to look for Lynn’s Lab. She is probably in the business district. I roll investigation to see if I am right that she would be on the outskirts of town. I got a 12. Someone else got a...

03:09 pm - 20.05.2021

Chapter 3: Session 3: It all comes together

02:29 am - 17.05.2021

Chapter 3: Session 3: It all comes together

11:41 pm - 16.05.2021

Chapter 3: Session 2: Fault in our Stars

02:21 am - 10.05.2021

Chapter 3: Session 2: Fault in our Stars

11:33 pm - 09.05.2021

Chapter 3: Session 1: Lynn

02:40 am - 03.05.2021

Chapter 3: Session 1: Lynn

11:29 pm - 02.05.2021

Chapter 2: Session 4: Shopping and catch up

01:37 am - 26.04.2021

Chapter 2: Session 3: Love, Lust and Murder Report

General Summary The adventurers start the session, landing in the middle of The Great Cold in Arondeth. It appears the snow is magical and cannot be melted by the sun. People are frozen in place; animals can no longer move: They take this chance to look ...

11:54 pm - 25.04.2021


Character(s) interacted with • Bruce: His kid is alive; he is less grumpy. • Susan: Is alive, has been working with the resistance. • Hera: Has been corrupted, took Kaley. • Percy: Is missing. • Kaley: Was taken by Hera. • Zackary ...

11:45 pm - 25.04.2021

Chapter 2: Session 4: Shopping and catch up

11:33 pm - 25.04.2021

Chapter 2: Session 3: Code Blue

02:54 am - 19.04.2021

Chapter 2: Session 3: Code Blue

02:54 am - 19.04.2021

Chapter 2: Session 3: Love, Lust, and Murder

02:23 am - 12.04.2021

Chapter 2: Session 3: Love, Lust, and Murder

11:30 pm - 11.04.2021

Chapter 2: Session 2: The duality of man

03:00 am - 29.03.2021

Chapter 2: Session 2: The duality of man

11:28 pm - 28.03.2021

Chapter 2: Session 1: In sickness and in health

General Summary Bruce • The group decided first to meet Bruce. He is staying in Room 15 of the apartment building. • He seems to be a little paranoid but with good reason. He lets the group take a look at his newspapers. • It is revealed that ...

12:20 pm - 25.03.2021

Chapter 2: Session 1: In sickness, and in health.

07:07 am - 22.03.2021

Chapter 2: Session 1: In sickness, and in health.

11:28 pm - 21.03.2021

Session 5: The Truth will set you free

03:24 am - 15.03.2021

Session 5: The Truth will set you free

11:44 pm - 14.03.2021

A Wood Elf who became a sorceress and is trying to learn how to control her powers.

04:20 pm - 08.03.2021

Session 4 1/2: Welcome to Earth 2, young one.

09:16 pm - 07.03.2021

Trusted Stowaway

Took a leap of Faith (3rd floor window into hay).

08:52 pm - 07.03.2021

Session 4 1/2: Welcome to Earth 2, young one.

07:36 pm - 07.03.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Morganna.

Played by
Locust tree

Other Characters by Locust tree