Maia Aurasari | World Anvil

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Maia Aurasari

A paladin of Artemis looking for her missing mother.

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The major events and journals in Maia's history, from the beginning to today.

Chapter 3: Session 8: The End

03:03 am - 05.07.2021

Chapter 3: Session 8: The End

11:30 pm - 04.07.2021

Chapter 3: Session 7: Boss Fight

02:06 am - 28.06.2021

Chapter 3: Session 7: Boss Fight

11:38 pm - 27.06.2021

Chapter 3: Session 4: Discovery

11:19 pm - 27.06.2021

Chapter 3: Session 4: Discovery

11:19 pm - 27.06.2021

Chapter 3: Session 6: Still on the road...

02:08 am - 21.06.2021

Chapter 3: Session 6: Still on the road...

11:33 pm - 20.06.2021

Chapter 3: Session 5: On the road again

05:11 pm - 01.06.2021

Chapter 3: Session 5: On the road again

11:44 pm - 30.05.2021

Chapter 3: Session 3: It all comes together

02:29 am - 17.05.2021

Chapter 3: Session 3: It all comes together

11:41 pm - 16.05.2021

Chapter 3: Session 2: Fault in our Stars

02:21 am - 10.05.2021

Chapter 3: Session 2: Fault in our Stars

11:33 pm - 09.05.2021

Chapter 3: Session 1: Lynn

02:40 am - 03.05.2021

Chapter 3: Session 1: Lynn

11:29 pm - 02.05.2021

Chapter 2: Session 4: Shopping and catch up

01:37 am - 26.04.2021

Chapter 2: Session 4: Shopping and catch up

11:33 pm - 25.04.2021

Chapter 2: Session 3: Code Blue

02:54 am - 19.04.2021

Chapter 2: Session 3: Code Blue

02:54 am - 19.04.2021

Chapter 2: Session 3: Love, Lust, and Murder

02:23 am - 12.04.2021

Chapter 2: Session 3: Love, Lust, and Murder

11:30 pm - 11.04.2021

Chapter 2: Session 2: The duality of man

03:00 am - 29.03.2021

Chapter 2: Session 2: The duality of man

11:28 pm - 28.03.2021

Chapter 2: Session 1: In sickness, and in health.

07:07 am - 22.03.2021

Chapter 2: Session 1: In sickness, and in health.

11:28 pm - 21.03.2021

Session 5: The Truth will set you free

03:24 am - 15.03.2021

Session 5: The Truth will set you free

11:44 pm - 14.03.2021

Session 4 1/2: Welcome to Earth 2, young one.

09:16 pm - 07.03.2021

Trusted Stowaway

Took a leap of faith.

08:51 pm - 07.03.2021

Session 4 1/2: Welcome to Earth 2, young one.

07:36 pm - 07.03.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Maia.

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Other Characters by cloudsbian