2021.05.08 - Temple Cleaning Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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2021.05.08 - Temple Cleaning

General Summary

Jörgund Brynjolf, Dorian Blackbreeze, Gazerax, and Degnut Ticklefoot at the Temple of Pelor

Strigine spotted crow watching the front door of the Temple of Pelor. After a while, he flew over to chase off the crow. It tried to avoid him and work around him. Eventually it got annoyed and attacked, hurting Strigine and driving him away.

It just tried to kill Strigine. I think we need to get out the big guns for this Dorian Blackbreeze stepped out and shot firebolts into the sky to scare off the crows.

Crows along the 1st roof scattered and flew off. Crows on the remaining 2 roofs stayed to watch. Deciding they were not an issue, the group turned back.

The Group checked the rear rooms of the Temple, finding an open courtyard, a trashed kitchen, and broken large doors leading to the back alley. Jörgund snuck forth, piling tables and chairs in front of the door, and splashing oil all over the kitchen floor

After that, the group headed toward the back right room, where Gazerax detected a strong undead presence. Peering around the door, they found: A Huuuge zomboid creature slowly bashing through the wall into the library

Jörgund and Dorian threw the first attacks, most landing into a smaller zomboid. Each hit dropped the zomboid. They thought it was dead.

But then the creature got back up. The Huuuuge one growled and attacked

As the group focused on the 3 in that room, more Zomboids and Ghouls dropped from the 2nd floor, attacking a lone Degnut

Gazerax charged back to the outer room, striking down zomboids and giving Degnut a breather.

They then turned back to the Huuuuge one, with Jörgund going into to whirlwind rage and chopping it into bits.

After calming down, they found a hole in the wall with new boards being pushed against it. Ledwen knocked on it and convinced the folks on the other side, that they weren't mindless creatures

They were then invited to enter the library, and book shelves were moved out of the way. Inside the library, they found a few survivors:

They inquired of the plague, the undead, and of the Magical Items they left with Ziep for identification.

To their dismay, Ziep did not have them - an elder took them down to the Sanctification (Destruction) room, but has not returned after several days

Strigine spotted many crows watching the Temple. During the group's sleep, he spied a cart being driven by 2 men. Hitting a bump, a body was flung from the cart. They did not stop.

Soon a few of the crows descended, intent on the new prize. But howling zomboids scared them off. These 2 zomboids drug the body away

Rewards Granted

770xp each
Ongoing Combats in the Temple, Blockading and Greasing the Kitchen
Finding Leem, Benny, and a few priests alive & ongoing discussions on the Treasure of Jörgund

Character(s) interacted with

Met up with Ziep

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Boom Boom Pow

Ledwen Blackbreeze

NG Human (Variant) (Noble)
Sorcerer 5
42 / 42 HP
Report Date
13 May 2021

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