2020.10.31 - The Tombs Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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2020.10.31 - The Tombs

General Summary

Jörgund Brynjolf and Ledwen Blackbreeze in the Tombs at the StarMantle - Graveyards

The group decided to clear the side rooms from the main room, before delving further into the Tombs. Throwing a torch into the SW room, they found giant rats eating a purple-infected zombie.

Screeching at this new bright light hit them, Ledwen blasted the outer rat & the rotting zombie. The remaining rats were irate and charged, biting and clawing at Jörgund.

With each bite, Jörgund felt a disease try to take hold. Luckily, his impeccable body fought it off and they soon chopped and blasted all the rats.

The group took a short rest to regain health from the numerous rat bites

Then, they trekked deeper in the tombs, being very mindful for traps. The next room, Strigine picked up bones grinding and flew in for a look. She found a skeleton in each corner, appearing to just be waiting.

Ledwen threw the torch into the hall, and setup an ambush. Once he blasted the 1st skeleton, they tried swarming the group. But the hall was so tight, only 1 skeleton could get at them. Soon the skeletons were pushing each other onto Jörgund.

What looked like a calamity quickly turned tables as Jörgund pushed back, throwing the skeletons back onto each other. The last skeleton tried shooting the group, but was unsuccessful.

With the skeletons demolished, Jörgund let out his battle cries of triumph and celebration, drawing a Gas-Zombie from far down the corridor. After it was sliced up and gas burned up, Ledwen recommended they proceed quietly and carefully for a while

__ Ok, I just get so excited in battle

As Jörgund looted the decorative dressers and Ledwen scouted the hallways ahead, they detected someone approaching from the Tomb entrance.

Soon a young fellow in a cloak rounded the corner muttering about all his dead skeletons and friends. He flipped his lid and went off screaming about the Scourge, his Master, and how the group is ruining everything.

Jörgund head bashed the guy, then restrained him as Ledwen went to work convincing him to tell the group everything - tomb layout, monsters, the Scourge, the master, the plans

Soon Ledwen hatched a plan (that Jörgund wasn't thrilled about) - They will have this guy lead them to the Master, because they want to join the Tribe of the Scourge and further its cause.

Jörgund seemed disgusted that they were trying to join up with a group was going to kill cities of people, especially as they are celebrating at the Star Faire

As they pushed Leem forward, to lead to the Master, they asked about the large metal door.
__ Oh odd, that door has always been open. Its where the nobles were buried and we first made zombies

Ledwen tried to open the door, but it was locked. Immediately they heard yelling from the other side
__ You're not getting in you stupid zombie, so you'll just go hungry.
I'm not a zombie, just an adventurer. Who are you?
__ ya right. you're probably more of the crazy crackheads going on about their holy Scourge and finding more dead friends

After more discussion, Ledwen was able to convince her that they've come here to investigate the odd happenings and save their friend.

Ja-Lyn cracked open the door, and quickly decided that he's telling the truth. They saw that she was hurt, and a very very chopped up zombie was in ruins at the back of the room

Ledwen tried to convince her to adventure with them, but he already told her that the way was clear out to the entrance and she was set on leaving this horrid place.

Ledwen motioned for some type of payment and Ja-Lyn dug around her bag to find 2 items she thought would help them:
  • A Longsword with animated fire etched into the blade
  • A dagger with bones and skulls covering the hilt and drawn into blade

With that, she staggered out and towards the Star Faire to eat and rest in the light. The group moved deeper into the hall and paused before a wooden door

  • Session Ends -
  • Rewards Granted

    675 Xp Each - Combat in the Tombs, capturing one of the cultists alive and using him to get to the Master, freeing Ja-Lyn and negotiating a 'reward'

    Missions/Quests Completed

    Found more disease-infected Rats & Zombies in the Tombs, and references to the Master The Race to Save Benny

    Character(s) interacted with

    Captured Leem, a peon of the Tribe of the Scourge

    Met and freed Ja-Lyn, trading her safe passage out for some items she found in the Tombs


    Obtained 12 silver cups & 8 silver plates from the ceremonial dresser

    Boom Boom Pow

    Ledwen Blackbreeze

    NG Human (Variant) (Noble)
    Sorcerer 5
    42 / 42 HP
    Report Date
    01 Nov 2020
    Primary Location
    StarMantle - Graveyards

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