The Dangers of Darkbough - Part 3 Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

The Dangers of Darkbough - Part 3

General Summary

With the blessing of the Vass'anasss council of elders, the Bregaran Exit Expedition Team finally gain access to the Bregaran Exit where the researchers dive headfirst into their research. As the exploration study of the ruins moves into full swing, the other members of the expedition aid the dig when able, and busy themselves as best they can otherwise. Most of the expedition members spend the entire time at the ruin, finding it either too difficult or unsettling to make the perilous climb more than once, and relying on the more adventurous and skilled laborers to bring the supplies up and down the cliff face. Each of the Red Blade Outkasts, however, not content to while away the days sitting around, spends this time in their own ways, according to their own skills and interests.   Bara, as a hired expert in Bruvean Dwarven, primarily works hand-in-hand with the researchers, astounding them with her insights into the ancient peoples, and suggesting multiple hunches and theories that advance the research significantly. She is ever unsure of where her ideas come from, often citing a gut feeling, or a whisper from her ancestors, but has to admit that she has never before studied the ancient people, and knows nothing for certain about them. Despite this, her suggestions end up being right more often than not, and her very presence accelerates the research progress significantly. As time goes on, she also begins playfully flirting with her fellow adventurer Morgan Greyson, who is initially quite flustered, blushing and stumbling over his words, but he eventually finds the courage to shyly return her advances.   Rayne, on the other hand, tends to spend her time away from the dig site when not needed. Instead, when not helping the Vass'anasss deal with dangerous beasts, she goes off exploring the woods of the northern Darkbough Forest and bonding with Oskra. It takes many long and lonely days in the dangerous wilds, but eer efforts to connect with the natural forces eventually pay off, and she forges a primal connection with the bear cub. To the shock of the entire team, Oskra begins to mature rapidly; swiftly growing larger than anyone at the dig within just a few weeks, and becoming a fiercely loyal and protective companion to Rayne. The two "bears" start fighting alongside each other from that point on, forming a fearsome combat team that earns the respect of even the Vass'anasss tribe's finest warrior, Tess'tess.   Finally, Qas sates her endless curiosity working with both the local lizardfolk and the other members of the dig team. In particular, when not aiding Rayne and the Vass'anasss warriors, she finds a friend and mentor in Aemon Aemonson who is happy to have a dedicated helper. Working side by side, the two quickly discover that Qas is an apt pupil with magical implements - and while the reptilian rogue has no magical skills of her own, she is prodigious in deciphering and employing scrolls, wands, and other magical tools. Aemon, impressed with her abilities, promises to personally vouch for her to study at the Arcana Academy if she is interested, noting that her natural affinity for magical tools may hide an untapped talent for some variety of spellcasting withing Qas.   And in this way, a long month outside of the Union passes for the expedition team...

Rewards Granted

  • Oskra binds with Rayne to become her Animal Companion

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Researched the Bregaran Exit Ruins

Character(s) interacted with

The Red Blade Outkasts


Report Date
15 Mar 2020
Primary Location
Darkbough Forest
Secondary Location
Bregaran Exit

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