Session 092 - Four Footed Zombies Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 092 - Four Footed Zombies

General Summary

28th to 30th of Nolus (First Month of Summer) 722TR

The story so far

Acheron and the party have been tasked with destroying an evil force which is killing and corrupting a nearby community of Centaurs. It believed that an evil Druid Viozhul is responsible.

The continuation of Session 91 - The Ancient and Deep Ways.

Location - East of the Sorkin Mountains and the Dwarven kingdom of Kingdom of Azadmere.

Part 1 - Zombie Centaurs

The Party emerges from the ancient underground passages, the Deep Ways, among wooded hills. They immediately begin trying to locate any Centaurs. The first day of searching is unsuccessful. However, Sabretooth finds some physical evidence of their presence, and he may have seen some in the distance, but the large possibly equine forms that are too far away and obscured by trees, to be sure.

Viozhul, Evil Druid, art by Artbreeder
That night while camping, they are attacked. Sabretooth, who is on guard, smells approaching rotting corpses. He wakes the Party just as four undead centaurs and a giant white bat come into view. The battle commences as the Zombie Centaurs charge with pikes. Acheron thinks he has killed the Bat creature, but rather than dying. It transforms into a man, the Evil Druid Viozhul. Viozhul is a rather arrogant, chatty villain, so Acheron effortlessly manipulates him into gloating about his plans. His objective is to create an undead cavalry out of the Centaurs so that they will ravage the lands. The Heroes also deduce from his ramblings that he has a sanctum nearby and that his transformation to evil may not have been entirely voluntary. It appears he was given a "choice" of losing his soul to or swearing servitude to Morgath. He is now an agent of Morgath, the Lord of Chaos and the Undead. If killed, will have 13 Lives as a free-willed undead monster.

Having acquired the information they need, Acheron and Sabretooth kill him and watch as his physical body turns to dust. The Party then quickly dispatch the remaining Centaur Zombies.

Part 2 - Meeting the Centaurs

Drakates, art by Elderscroll
The Heroes rethink their plans. Sabretooth continues to track for Centaurs while Avon looks for any nearby ruins or buildings likely to be used by the Evil Druid as a sanctum or sanctuary. Acheron believes that if he could get to this sanctum before midnight, he should be able to consecrate it, likely preventing the evil Druid from taking physical form. Avon spots an old Dwarven ruin not far away, and the Party investigates.

On the way, they are intercepted by four Centaurs lead by a warrior of Chief called Drakates. Drakates speaking a basic version of Harnic, warns the heroes that only death awaits in those buildings. When pressed, the Centaur Chief says that corrupted members of his herd-tribe, both living and dead dwell there. Acheron is not deterred and assures Drakates that he will deal with this evil. Drakates tells them that whether he is successful or not, they will not meet again and gallops away.

Part 3 - The Dwarven Ruin

Külmking, art by Kobald Press
The ruin is guarded by two evil-looking centaurs who approach the Heroes. Acheron magically changes his appearance to match that of the Evil Druid, but his disguise is obvious and quickly seen through. The Centaurs attack using their mobility to assail the Heroes.

As Sabertooth enters the ruin, out of the ground, a Külmking emerges. This hate-filled nightmare amalgam of a spectral centipede-like horse with many legs and arms attacks ferociously. The battle is fierce, with the Külmking passing through the walls of the ruins, striking the heroes from unexpected locations. When he passes through Sabretooth, it twists something in his soul, and he starts having evil thoughts. Eventually, the Heroes destroy this undead monstrosity and kill the corrupted Centaurs.

Part 4 - The Crypt

Entering the catacombs under the ruins, the Heroes find a crude lair filled with Zombies, Skeletons, and an Undead Giant Wolf. While battling nearby Canopic Jars burst open and Swarms of Rot Grubs crawl out, enveloping Avon and Sabretooth. Several leap onto Avon and start burrowing into his flesh; however, Acheron kills them by applying a burning torch painfully to his flesh. These monsters and the undead are no match for the Heroes.

Sabretooth finds some disturbed earth, and digging around, finds a concealed stone sarcophagus. It is locked from the inside, and Sabretooth easily breaks open the lid revealing an empty casket. Acheron believing that this is the Sanctum of the Evil Druid performs a Holy Ritual to sanctify it. It works. At midnight the shadow of the Druid attempts to physically reform and fails. Unable to take physical form, he is cast out from the world, hopefully forever.

The Party rests up until morning. However, Sabretooth has many disturbing and violent nightmares during his rest.

To be continued.....

NPC Interactions

Sigam Asandril - Herald.

Viozhul - The corrupted Druid.

Drakates - Centaur Leader.

Challenges Overcome

4 Zombie Centaurs and 1 Evil Druid.

2 Centaurs, and 1 Külmking.

4 Zombies, 4 Skeletons,1 Ghoul Wolf, and 2 Swarms of Rot Grubs.

Created Content


Related Reports

Sigam Asandril, Herald.

The Argent Order.

The Evil God Morgath.

Amorvin, free-willed undead.

Canopic Jars.

Players Character Status

Acheron - Level 5 Paladin and Level 3 Warlock Disciple of Mendiz - gained Paladin level.

Sabretooth - Level 5 Ivashu Lord Barbarian and Level 2 Monk - Gained Level.

Avon - Level 7 Thief.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
26 Jul 2020


Sabretooth's Ivashu Companion.

Chameleo, art by Attacus

Sigam Asandril.

The Party's Guide and babysitter.

Sigam Asadril, Herald, art by Artbreeder

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