Caves and Shadows Report

General Summary

In the second day of their journey from Windmontley Hold, The Five Fingers of Dorwine travel through plains and low hills that surround this tributary of The Hedge Road heading through the Ravenwood. Early in the day the party discovers a small cave entrance set not far back from the trail. Inside it appears to be dimly lit with a blue glow.    This glow, the heroes discover upon entering the cavern, comes from a blue fungus that grows about the interior. That isn't the only thing living inside as first Alok Ravaralei and then Badalona Ailendogs receive telepathic warnings from an unknown source to leave the cave. Rather than heed the warnings the Five Fingers attempt to appease the voice, only to fail and anger the otyugh who lives within the cave.    This leads to a brutal battle during which Mehmen Ashid is rendered unconscious twice and Alok is also left on the verge of death. Finally, after many attempts to assault the creature's eyestalk Badalona delivers the killing blow. Now able to explore the cave without trouble the party finds a huge midden which contains a small treasure trove and, after a short rest, they are able to leave with their first taste of every adventurer's staple - battling a strange monster underground.    The next day sees the party enter the Ravenwood for the first time, two days out from the village of Utford. The day passes uneventfully but the early hours of the next morning sees the heroes battling shadows and a vampiric mist that seek to drain them of their strength. These undead are dispatched with little trouble and the party is free to commence its final day of travel into the heart of the forest.

Rewards Granted

2200 cp, 1000 sp, 60 gp, Small Bag of Incense (25 gp), Fine Cloth Coat (25 gp), Rabbit Fur bound Book (blank) (25 gp), Ceramic Coffer (25 gp), Pewter Flute (25 gp), Leather Boots (25 gp), Potion of Greater Healing, 2 x Potion of Healing

Missions/Quests Completed

What has happened to Andro Ashid?

The Five Fingers of Dorwine

Mehmen Ashid

Neutral Half elf ()
Druid 2
20 / 20 HP
Report Date
10 Jan 2021
Primary Location

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