Session 041 - Assaulting the Assassins Stronghold Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 041 - Assaulting the Assassins Stronghold

General Summary

Date 16th to the 26th of Navek (11) 720TR (Winter)


The story so far

The Church of Naveh is planning to summon the Greater Gytevsha Krasula on the night of Shadowmath, in only a couple of weeks, bringing devastation to the City of Coranan.

The heroes plan to intervene and are assisted by their former, and possibly future enemy Sir Scarow supported by a contingent of Order of the Cohorts of Gashang. They intend to assault the temple through the secret tunnels in the sewers.

Part 1 - Temple of Ilvir

Kwayn Oblam, art by Tyler Ryan
The party visit the Ilvirian Hostel and meet with Kwayn Oblam the Priest of Illvir. Yureb donates some of the Wyvern body parts the party collected last week which are gratefully accepted by the Priests of the Creator God of Monsters.

As a side note, Yureb notes that the Wyvern heads are very similar to the so-called "Dragons Skull" the party recovered several weeks prior (Session 39). It appears that Clan Musbern's Dragon skull is fake.

Kwayn is unconcerned when he learns that a doom may be descending on the city, believing that the locals deserve punishment for their abuse of the Ivashu, Ilvir's monstrous creations. However, Kirstie the Acolyte, who had previously traveled with the heroes, is keen to help. Yureb's keen eyes note what could be a troll or similar monster lurking in the back of the hostel.

Part 2 - The Thieves Guild

Koral the Bloody
Yureb meets privately with Koral the Bloody, the head of the Thieves Guild, and learns their relationship with the Church of Naveh has changed, they have become more demanding of tribute, and their recent increase in murders has caused a considerable problem for business. Yureb also suspects that he has been personally affected by the death of Winneate Asarn, the saintly older woman murdered a few months ago. He wants revenge but cannot bring himself to move against the assassins. Yureb notices that every time the Church of Naveh is mentioned, his eyes glance across to the adjacent building. Yureb later learns it has an access point into the hidden temple.

Part 3 - Downtime

Athena, in her free time, continues her studies in Alchemy makes some progress. She is now able to make simple Alchemical preparations and creates some Smoke Powder to be used in conjunction with her Crimson Dancer Smoke Dance.

She also meets with Derik Kalormar, her squire's father and tells him that his mercenary company, the Wardens of Corthir, will likely lose their contract guarding the city walls in the near future. If that happens, he says, the Wardens will seek employment elsewhere, likely in the Kingdom of Rethem if the expected civil war breaks out.

Meanwhile, Quazzy spends her days meditating using her Psionic Crystal and finally awakens her latent Psionics talent for Disembodiment.

Part 4 - The Poisoning

Yureb undertakes a clandestine plan to sabotage the food supply to the Temple of Naveh just before the attack. Skillfully identifying sources and carriers of the food supplies, he taints some bread, fruit, and meat, using a poison that Quazzy prepares. Yureb was able to do this without creating a citywide food poisoning outbreak.

Part 5 - The Attack Starts

The party, with Sir Scarow, leads 3 squads of the Cohorts of Gashang fighting men (32 warriors and 4 knights) through the sewers, to the temple, avoiding all traps and obstacles.

Yureb, who has abandoned his Baldrick disguise at the entrance, opens the secret door but hears a message in a language he does not understand. Being unable to answer with the correct password, shadowy Gytevsha suddenly emerge from a back pit and attack. Athena creates a holy flame, emitting an intense light, fatally weakening the Shadow fiends, which are then rapidly dispatched.

The party then enters the maze and makes their way, although the various death traps kill two Cohorts members.

Part 5 - Entering the Temple

The heroes lead the attack into the temple. Several guards, skilled priests, and monks, plus acolytes nearby, are rapidly overwhelmed. As Quazzy knows the layout of the temple, the attackers split. The party accompanied, by Sir Scarrow, make their way to the meeting and living rooms of the temple leadership. Quazzy's familiar invisibly flies to the shrine, and the bulk of the Cohorts attack the dormitories, kitchens, and dining rooms.

To be continued.

Rewards Granted

Some of the Wyvern Scales and leather collected last week are worked into a Poison Resistant Shield for Lucia and a Poison Resistant Cloak for Athena.

Missions/Quests Completed

Yureb succeeded with a Skill Challenge to Sabotage the Temples food supply. As a result about one-third of the temple when down with food poisoning. Some of the temple's clerics used magic to treat the senior leadership consuming many of their spell slots.

Character(s) interacted with

Kwayn Oblam, Priest of Ilvir.

Kirstie, Acolyte of Ilvir.

Koral the Bloody.

Sir Scarow.

Emermies Overcome

6 Lesser Gytevsha and one Oron.

5 Acolytes, 2 Monks, 3 Priests and 1 Assassin.

Created Content

Alchemy - including Smoke Powder.

Related Reports

Echo of Aethereal - Quazzys Psionic Crystal.


Crimson Dancer - Battle Dances.

Ilvirian Hostel.

Sewers and Cisterns.

Lesser Gytevsha and Gytevsha


Players Character Status

Athena the Banshee - Level 11 Paladin of Vengeance.

Yureb - Level 11 Arcane Trickster.

Quazzy - Level 5 Necromancer and Level 6 Warlock Disciple of Desridaen.

Forbidden Pathways - Campaign Complete
Report Date
21 Jul 2019
Primary Location
City of Coranan
Secondary Location
Sewers and Cisterns

NPC Companions

Kalin, art by Paizo

Lucia Kalomar

Lucia Kalomar, art by Artbreeder

The Wardens of Corthir

The Order of the Cohorts of Gashang

Cohorts of Gashang

Cohorts of Gashang, art by Columbia Games

Clan Musbern

Clan Musbern, Art by Attacus

The Church of Naveh

Naveh, art by Columbia Games

Smoke Powder

Smoke Powder

Explosive Uncommon

If the contents of these bottles are exposed to air, either by opening the lid or used as a grenade, they will rapidly smolder and generate smoke. Unless otherwise stated this smoke will cause obsurement in a 5 x 5ft square although is easily dispersed by a strong wind.


Requires 25 sp of components including Saltpeter, Brimstone, Oil, and sawdust. DC 13 using an Alchemy kit.


The color of the Smoke can be controlled, however, the DC to make is 15 and the component price is 50sp.

Cost: 100sp per vial. Weight: 1 oz


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