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The Second Age

A Genesys game In the world of Avatar
February 24, 2019 | Full
The Earth Kingdom territories are in turmoil after the assassination of Earth Queen Hou-Ting at the hands of Zaheer, a member of the Red Lotus and an airbender who sought to introduce chaos into the world. The city of Ba Sing Se, capital of the Earth Kingdom, is in disarray without its ruler—precisely the fire Zaheer intended to ignite. Unrest and uncertainty permeate through to the Lower Ring; with the Earth Queen dead, the line of succession is unclear and many residents of the megacity have begun to question whether they need a monarch at all. For Zaheer, once again apprehended by the Avatar and the White Lotus, this is an accomplishment. For the rest of the world, these shaky circumstances translate to a lack of security.   This perfect storm of uncertainty has emboldened petty Earth monarchs throughout the Earth Kingdom provinces to lay claim to the throne while others seek to use the chaos to bolster their political goals. One such aspiring leader, hailed by her followers as the ‘Great Uniter’, has used this chaos to her advantage, rallying Earth Kingdom citizens behind her cause through nationalist rhetoric to unite the disparate Earth Kingdom under the banner of a new Earth Empire. She intends to demonstrate her conviction by quelling the unrest in Ba Sing Se. To do so, the Great Uniter has established a network of covert and overt supporters throughout the Kingdom and within Republic City to foment unrest or rally support for her cause.

This story is told by



  • Political map
    This is a political map of the Avatar world circa 171 AG.
Supporting Cast

Scheduled Sessions

Sun 7th April 2019 16:00

Session 3: Out of the Frying Pan...

Part 2.   On their way to the Western Waystation, the party crossed paths with an Earth Kingdom patrol who took them in for further questioning. After explaining their story, lead investigator Captain Kong absolved the group and let them be on their way.   Without a running train, the party negotiated with the owner of a large wagon for a ride back into Ba Sing Se where they had little trouble getting back in.   Tui, Nok, and Shan continue to uncover secrets about themselves, and the world around them. As they travel through the agricultural zone, they reflect on their destination beyond the Inner Wall.

Sessions Archive

24th Mar 2019

Session 2: Out of the Frying Pan...

After fighting their way in utter dank and darkness, and through some fanciful diplomacy, our unlikely heroes narrowly escaped their captors.   Stepping out into the blinding sunlight, the party realized at least a day has passed since their unfortunate train ride.   Stranded in the southern reaches of the Halan Desert, the great city of Ba Sing Se is a day's walk away. With the outer waystation on the horizon, mountains to their backs and sand in front of them, these unwitting protagonists must decide their next steps.

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10th Mar 2019

Session 1: Off the Rails

In this adventure, the Player Characters began in media res as passengers aboard the ill-fated monorail in Ba Sing Se. After being attacked by unknown assailants, the players awoke to find themselves bound in darkness. They've just broken free of their restraints and must now work their way out of their unknown location, past an unknown number of aggressors and captors.

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24th Feb 2019

Prologue: Departure

In this session, we'll get acquainted with the setting and bring your characters to life.

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The Protagonists


Jí Shan


Gang Gaun