Session 2 - To the Azmarin Leyline Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 2 - To the Azmarin Leyline

General Summary

After dealing with the bat-like creature of last session, the party moves on to the Leyline, where they find a human and halfling. Saldera quickly deals with the human using a sneak attack, after which the halfling walks up to the human with Symbol and turns him into some sort of mutant. The party deals swiftly with the mutant, after which Gator deals the finishing blow to the halfling, causing him to fall into the Leyline and disintegrate.   The party then investigates the room for clues, where they learn:

  • The magical liquid (Shunene) in the bowl suspended over the leyline is gone.
  • There's a bucket with light red liquid near the leyline.
  The party also discovers a "Teleportation circle" spell scroll and a Symbol on the bodies. In addition, they recover the stolen coins from one of the bodies that were taken from a donation box and returned it to Tharodur. After they leave the leyline, the high priestess of the temple, Coha, gives them 3 potions of healing as a sign of her appreciation.   Finally, Saldera puts her hand into the leyline in the hopes to regain her magical power. The leyline disintegrates her hand, even though she is able to make small embers at the end of her arm now. Coha tells Saldera that an old friend of hers in Stawford, Zafli Gutrolde, might be able to help her recover any function of her lost hand.  



Character(s) interacted with

  • Tharodur - A half-orc monk working as a tour guide at the Azmarin Temple. He is typically dressed in white monk robes.
  • Coha Dersk - A tiefling who is the high priestess of the Azmarin Temple. She is typically dressed in white monk robes with golden accents.
  • Rawog Ekeni - A half-orc who is part of the army of the Federation of Tyrael and head of the local police. She wears a metallic heavy armor with blue accents and a fist symbol, as well as a polearm.

Ashalar Campaign
Report Date
06 Apr 2022
Primary Location

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