Turbulence Split-Tongue | World Anvil

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Turbulence Split-Tongue
Steam Incarnate

Tiefling glassblower/tinkerer/artificer turned air genasi, Turbulence's "skin" almost looks like a forcefield holding back steam. He travels with his sister, Saldera, to Azmarin to regain his form & return her magic powers.

Campaign & Party

One Hand Sally and the Help

Gator Lua Turbulence
Run by MvdWouw
Played by

The major events and journals in Turbulence's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 7 - In search of Therador

01:23 am - 17.05.2022

Session 7 - In search of Therador

01:23 am - 17.05.2022

Session 6 - Starting in Stawford

02:03 am - 09.05.2022

Session 6 - Starting in Stawford

02:03 am - 09.05.2022

Session 5 - Wrapping Up in Azmarin

03:09 pm - 02.05.2022

Session 5 - Wrapping Up in Azmarin

03:09 pm - 02.05.2022

Session 4 - Investigating Jira Ironslayer

02:23 am - 25.04.2022

Session 4 - Investigating Jira Ironslayer

02:23 am - 25.04.2022

Session 3 - Adventures in Azmarin

03:51 am - 19.04.2022

Session 3 - Adventures in Azmarin

03:50 am - 19.04.2022

Session 2 - To the Azmarin Leyline

10:11 pm - 07.04.2022

Session 2 - To the Azmarin Leyline

10:11 pm - 07.04.2022

Session 1 - Meet and greet

10:03 pm - 07.04.2022

Session 1 - Meet and greet

10:03 pm - 07.04.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Turbulence.

Played by