Lua Lufwaasi Tasaman | World Anvil

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Lua Lufwaasi Tasaman

A gifted member of the Desert Wind Sailors known as the Waani Shasham do Khaiba. Travelling the winds to make sense of the strange writings on his robes, he has arrived at the city gates of Azmarin seeking the leyline, and the heart of the desert's magic.

Campaign & Party

One Hand Sally and the Help

Gator Lua Turbulence
Run by MvdWouw
Played by

The major events and journals in Lua's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 7 - In search of Therador

01:23 am - 17.05.2022

Session 7 - In search of Therador

01:23 am - 17.05.2022

Session 6 - Starting in Stawford

02:03 am - 09.05.2022

Session 6 - Starting in Stawford

02:03 am - 09.05.2022

Session 5 - Wrapping Up in Azmarin

03:09 pm - 02.05.2022

Session 5 - Wrapping Up in Azmarin

03:09 pm - 02.05.2022

Session 4 - Investigating Jira Ironslayer

02:23 am - 25.04.2022

Session 4 - Investigating Jira Ironslayer

02:23 am - 25.04.2022

Session 3 - Adventures in Azmarin

03:51 am - 19.04.2022

Session 3 - Adventures in Azmarin

03:50 am - 19.04.2022

Session 2 - To the Azmarin Leyline

10:11 pm - 07.04.2022

Session 2 - To the Azmarin Leyline

10:11 pm - 07.04.2022

Session 1 - Meet and greet

10:03 pm - 07.04.2022

Session 1 - Meet and greet

10:03 pm - 07.04.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Lua.

Played by