Saldera Splitongue | World Anvil

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Saldera Splitongue

Gangly tiefling who never leaves behind her crimson dagger travelling with my bro, Turbo, to try and regain my magic powers and restore his original form. In ,y free time, I like long walks on the lava beaches in my hometown of Hizavur.

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The major events and journals in Saldera's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 3 - Adventures in Azmarin

03:51 am - 19.04.2022

Session 3 - Adventures in Azmarin

03:50 am - 19.04.2022

Session 2 - To the Azmarin Leyline

10:11 pm - 07.04.2022

Session 2 - To the Azmarin Leyline

10:11 pm - 07.04.2022

Session 1 - Meet and greet

10:03 pm - 07.04.2022

Session 1 - Meet and greet

10:03 pm - 07.04.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Saldera.

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