Session 3 - Adventures in Azmarin Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 3 - Adventures in Azmarin

General Summary

The party first went on to meet Gator's Family. After having lunch with them, brother Kraken tells that an assault was performed on the local museum in Azmarin. In addition, he tells Gator that this museum has some Prehxandrite on display, a material that was used on Gator to enhance his battle capabilities and something he wanted to know more about.   At the museum, they talk with Ylllynn Rellynn, who was attacked in the assault. She tells the party that the human and halfling killed in the last session were behind the attack and that they stole some items that were originally found in a temple in the desert, which are linked to a cult long before the Leylines erupted, called the Howling Wind.

  • The Staff of Zehan Dur
  • Two tomes called the Shataf Acknak and the Bodram Sur
  Finally, Gator learned more about the Prehxandrite displayed in the museum. Specifically that this rare magical stone is a great conduit for magical energy and that this specific specimen was found on the beach between Stawford and Craydon.   The party then went to the local police station to meet up with Rawog. After bringing her up to date, she provided details on where the hideout of the human and halfling likely was, as well as that they were likely working with a person called Jira Ironslayer. She promises that if they are indeed linked, and that if the party provides sufficient evidence and then brings them to justice, they would be rewarded financially. In addition, Aelin brought Rawog to a date that went wonderful.   Finally, Lua stakes out the places for an hour and learns that the front door is guarded. So the party decides that the best plan of action is for Saldera to enter the building from the back at night and to find the evidence herself.  

Character(s) interacted with

  • Rawog Ekeni - A half-orc who is part of the army of the Federation of Tyrael and head of the local police. She wears a metallic heavy armor with blue accents and a fist symbol, as well as a polearm.

Ashalar Campaign
Report Date
19 Apr 2022
Primary Location

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