Session 1 - Meet and greet Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 1 - Meet and greet

General Summary

The party meets eachother for the first time at the entrance of the Azmarin Temple. After some brief introductions, they make their way into the underground tunnels of the temple with their tourguide Tharodur, with the ultimate aim of visiting the Leyline.   After entering the cave, Tharodur quickly notices that something is wrong and heads back to call for help, while the party moves deeper underground. After encountering a few traps, they find a sort of bat-like creature which doesn't seem to belong in this cavern and decide to fight it.  

Bat-like creature:


Character(s) interacted with

  • Tharodur - A male half-orc monk working as tourguide at the Azmarin Temple. He is typically dressed in white monk robes.

Ashalar Campaign
Report Date
30 Mar 2022
Primary Location

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