Body CSS Tagging with Auto-Variables | World Anvil

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Body CSS Tagging with Auto-Variables

New Feature Addition · Variables · Created by Imper1um
css variables wip work-in-progress published

What functionality is missing? What is unsatisfying with the current situation?

At the moment, the only tag that something is still WIP is listed in the Metadata at the bottom of the article. As such, you need to manually create a WIP Section for every article and manually remove that section once that article goes live. Someone viewing a Published but WIP Article will see an article that is not finalized, but, unless the author has specifically created elements inside of the Article that it is still in progress, no viewer of the content would be able to tell at a glance that the content is WIP or not.   The suggestion is to add a CSS Class that modifies the .main-container with a .content-wip class, and other metadata that would help the CSS Engine locate information to be able to show/hide information based on CSS Rules. Other classes that could be added is Published/In Draft, Public/Hidden/Private, Groups that can access the content, etc.   Such functionality already exists in the tagging system; adding in a "testingstuff" tag to the article modifies .main-container with .tag-testingstuff .

How does this feature request address the current situation?

Such changes would make it so that if someone wanted to create an "Under Construction" or "Private Content" header, they could in the Global Content, rather than applying content to the entire system.

The Team's Response

Yeah that is a tiny change - will be actioned immediately   But man the title was so odd! :D
Current score

16/300 Votes · +2000 points

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