Stream Twitch | World Anvil

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This month's Twitch schedule!

I know June is halfway up, but we still have some days left! Join me on 9am ET Mondays and Wednesdays, 9pm ET Tuesdays and Thursdays as we prep for #summercamp and stuff!

  Tonight, we're set for a talk with some special guests about #blessingboat #twitch #writing #varietystreamer

Another SPECIAL GUEST STREAM (with the voice of Secret Agent Someone)!

Calling all #Watchers! Join us Tuesday, December 19th at 8:30am ET on for games, chatting, #holiday shenanigans, and #keeptalkingandnobodyexplodes with a super special guest! None other than Jon McNally (the voice of Someone Elsewood)!!! Donate on stream and cool stuff happens! #KofiChallenge #twitchstream #announcement

Special Guest Stream!

Calling all #Watchers! Join us Monday, December 18th at 10:am ET on for games, chatting, #holiday shenanigans, #littleinferno & more! Special Guest: DreamCartographer!!! Donate on stream and cool stuff happens! #KofiChallenge #twitchstream #announcement

The Stream You've All Been Waiting For!

Get HYPED! Wednesday, November 29th and Thursday, November 30th 2023 are going to be EPIC days of #streaming! Join me on #twitch for fun, games, surprises, #NaNoWriMo #worldanvil #WorldEmber2023 & more! PLUS, a super secret special guest... More info to come! You don't want to miss the fun. Comment below who you think it might be or let us know something you want us to play or do on stream! Donate with #kofi while I'm live to increase the madness!

Have You Thought About Coming to GenCon???

And the Wheel of the Year Rolls Ever Onward...

If you're at all like me, then there are certain events around which your year revolves. Perhaps it's your birthday, perhaps a holiday, perhaps a certain annual family trip. For my family, it's GenCon.

You see, we are a part of the army of volunteers that make the convention happen. All those fun events, classes, board games, panels, and shows? 99% of that content is done by regular people who just love doing it. People like me, my husband, my kids, and many of our other friends and family!

But it takes a lot of time and a good deal of commitment to make it all happen! There are hundreds of thousands of scheduled events over "the best four days in gaming" and it takes time for GenCon to map all of that out.

And that's why, in early November every year, I reach out for people who are interested in joining the army of volunteers! If you've always wanted to experience GenCon -- THE premiere board and table-top gaming experience -- but are put off by the price of attending and the price of a hotel, then I'm here to help!!!

Of course there are terms and conditions involved (minimum content requirements), but they're easy and fun and probably why you're there anyway: you have to teach people how to play your favorite games!!!

Look, I know you've got questions and you want more information, so I've put together a page on my website. Go have a look and then reach out via email or Discord and let's have a chat!

A stylized fox head with bat wings. Text reads

Coming Soon to Patreon...

Based on his wonderful popularity, I think that Victor the Vermin will be the new featured artwork on my Patreon merch at the Full Moon level. Right now, I'm planning to have a new Victor piece with the same "Eat the Rich, Devour the Truth" slogan, exclusively for stickers, mugs, tees, and hoodies. (Currently, all of my Patreon and Ko-fi support is going toward upgrading my WA membership.)

Don't Forget...Twitch Streams M-F!

Co-work with me at every weekday (Monday through Friday) from 4-6 pm Eastern. Together, we'll accomplish those big tasks in small bites! We normally work in 20-minute intervals, then we have a planned break to stretch-empty-refill, then play a game for a few minutes before going back to work. It's a play on the oft-used pomodoro technique. I find it to be a great way go get through (most of) my ADD struggles and actually get things done!

So, bring your world-building, your writing, your fiberwork, your homework, your term paper, your laundry, or those veggies you need to prep, and let's make some progress, 20 minutes at a time!

Oh, and My Newsletter!

Just like you, I'm more than my World Anvil. (Though, it is a big part of me!) So if you enjoy what I give you here, there's so very much more waiting for you in my "What's Good?" Newsletter!! If you enjoy things like board games, recipes, my great photos, interesting tidbits about words (such as a list of 20 amazing collective nouns for animals), and occasionally knowing where I'll be making convention and event appearences, then head to and sign up now! (You should get a pop-up, but if not, then there is a simple form at the bottom of the home page!)

Until next time, friends...take care of yourself, and take care of each other!

#GenCon #Twitch

Take the Challenge

Summer Camp Prep 2024

Get your world and yourself ready for Summer Camp!

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