Salisson Grotto Building / Landmark in Zivaria | World Anvil

Salisson Grotto

The exit of the The Blue Passage on the southen side of Readmuse Range.   Though having resided at their noble estate for centuries, the Salisson family moved to Nova Excelsium when the Blue Passage was established, donating their keep to serve as a roadside inn for travelers under the mountain range. The news spread, and the Salisson family had many interviews for caretakers of the estate. They settled on Asteria Roxrane, an elven woman from Tarana to take charge over the estate and the travelers it would house, and to this day, she remains the proprietess.   Today, the Grotto has been fully converted to a waystation. The main keep serves as inn and great hall for weary travelers to rest and refuel alongside other travelers. The natural grotto from which the estate was named still remain the original rejuvenating springs, only now Asteria charges a coin to each visitor to the pools. Outlying buildings and pastures now serve as livery and boarding stable, since most mounts don't travel well through the Blue Passage.


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